true or false

2 cats 4 kittens at the moment hehe (my ghostbusters) lol

tpbm is typing atm with their mouth full :P
True, am eating chilli heatwave doritos

TPBM is haveing chicken for tea
False, no chicken :( burger and chips for dinner tonight

The person below me sucks their thumb
already had that one lol. but false...

TPBM had a HUGE electric bill this morning :(
:doh: (Ran out of questions)

False, had a MASSIVE water bill instead

TPBM shops in Ann Summers
true it has been known!! :lol:

the person below me loves recieving flowers
False, well I do but not off my OH... I know hes done something wrong if I get flowers off him :roll:

The person below me likes sucking other peoples toes ...lmao
True, but I think OH would get jealous lol

TPBM likes eating apple pie
violet-glow said:
True, but I think OH would get jealous lol

TPBM likes eating apple pie

true mmm ecspecially with squirty cream

tpbm is still waering their pj's
Nope not THIS morning, although i usually am!! I have them back on again by tea time lol!!!
TPBM............Is doing something they shouldnt be!!!
Nope trying not to throw up whilst getting ready to walk Dog.

TNPBM loves cheese
yep, true. I'm supposed to be working on a project for work, but I'm sneaking on here in between each bit of work!

TPBM has exciting plans for tonight........

..............come on you ttc'ers, don't let me down!!

sorry PF, we posted at the same time LOL!
Another true, I do love cheese!

Come on then, exciting plans.....?
False...Although I might go the cinema...depends weather i can be bothered lol...

TPBM saw a midwife today
False seeing her tomorrow for the second time through this pregnancy :x
(going to sharpen my nails and scratch her eyes out)

TPBM has riden a donkey :D

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