true or false

OH says no I dont, but he lies lol

The person below me likes the smell of their own farts lol
true coz they don't smell that often, but false when they do :evil:

the person below me had cerial for breakfast
False, but heading to the kitchen now because I have the urge for frosties :cheer:

The person below me is under the age of 25
Nope, had a bacon sarnie, DF makes the best ones ever!

The person below me is/was nervous about being a mummy for the first time?
Oppps sorry! posted the same time.

True, I am 20, 21 in 4 months :o

Now my other question....The person below me is/was nervous about being a mummy for the first time?
TRUE! Seriously poo'd myself lol

The person below me likes fruit cake (lol my mind went blank)
TRUE love fruit cake and have craved yeast buns!!

The person below me likes watching football?
false but am forced by my footy mad husband

the person below me prefers winter to summer
True :)

The person below me watches discovery home and health when the pregnancy, baby, birth programmes are on
false - I don't have that channel - only got regular telly and a freeview box.

the person below me loves chocolate milk
true its the only flavour worth drinking!!

the person below me prefers cats to dogs
True I love cats...

The person below me prefers snickers to mars bars????
Both are great but snickers is more interesting :D

The person below me is rich
all the time and i eat my crows now coz cassi told me they were good for my immune system.

the person below me is making a sunday roast today
False, i tend to do my roast mid week :roll:

The person below me used to adore New Kids on the Block
I've seen them live too :oops:

TPBM is listening to the radio
urchin said:
I've seen them live too :oops:

TPBM is listening to the radio

hee hee me too :oops:


TPBM is still in their Pyjamas
True, lol and looking like a disaster.

The person below me sings the loudest when drunk

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