true or false

false. im just wobbly when drunk

the person below me is secretly kinky! :lol:
True (only in my food though)! :lol:

the person below me secretlt farts and them blames it on someone else :rotfl: (sorry couldnt help that)!
:rotfl: False im proud of my farts lol

The person below me has a hairy tummy lol

And yes budge it is good for your immune system, it said so on the radio :D scientifically proved :D

The person below me owns a rampant rabbit
:rotfl: false ...I cant afford one, have to make do with OH.

The person below me likes a good spanking :rotfl:
False lol, and if i spanked alan he would get in a mood and walk out probably hahaha..

the person below me still sucks their thumb
false - I've never been a thumb sucker

The person below me has blue eyes

TPBM has just painted there nails
:rotfl: :rotfl: nope ive never wondered that

the person below me drives a ford escort
false, i drive a FORD KA (its purple,with a princess aerial topper :oops: )

TPBM prefers strawberry jam to raspberry jam
False, don't like either! They ruin sandwhiches and make them soggy :lol:

The person below me has an addiction
true lots of little things

tpbm likes bread and butter pudding :D
cassi said:
true lots of little things
You're supposed to say what they are too, :lol:

Ginger men :? Oh no thanks, I like my blondy Mark :D

I'll let you do TPBM Cassi
My addictions, hmm, sucking my thumb :oops: this forum!!!

TPBM beileves in ghosts :shock:

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