Totally heartbroken


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I can hardly type this.
My heart is broken.

I had made an appointment for an early private scan today to help ease my anxiety.

There was no heart beat :(

This was one of my biggest fears.

What am I gonna do without my baby??

I am single and my family are 250 miles away.
I just have to wait until I can se my GP on Monday and be referred to the hospital to remove my baby :(

Why, why, why????? :(
So sorry :( my heart is breaking for you. Take care of yourself. Can you go see your family?? Xxx

Oh honey, Im so sorry! Take care of yourself. Use on here to talk about it if u need to. Everyone is so helpful!
I am so scared to se my mum. We're so close and I know I'll crumble when I see her :(
Also I'm not sure I can drive safely all that way.

I just want my baby back.
I understand u want your family. Driving is maybe not the best idea as I know from experience you are in autopilot but a long journey is a lot to drive. Could u get the train, bus or contact your mum to come to you? Or maybe a friend to drive?
I have a friend with me.

But all I want is my baby back :( And at the same time I want it over.
:hugs: I'm so sorry to hear this, I hope you get to see your mum soon. Sending you alot of hugs, really am sorry hun :hugs:
So so sorry princess,
I know just how devastating this feels as it happened to me.
Heartbroken and empty.
I know I wasnt fit to drive and actually had a car accident after mine so I would not recommend it.
Please Pm me if you need to.
Couldnt believe when i saw the title.
So sorry xxx
So sorry for your loss Princess. Same happened me in January so I know how heart broken and empty you are feeling right now. Take care of yourself and its important to talk so use here if you need to :hugs::hugs:
You're all so kind.
I can't stand the way I feel.
Have been crying since I got the news at 11am today.
I can't eat, I can't sleep. My baby was my futurer and my everything.
And to wait til monday is unbearable :( I'm scared I'm gonna start to bleed and scared I won't and I know they have to take it away. I can't stand any of it.
Oh hun I am so sorry :(
The same thing happened to my friend the other week, she was due less than a week after me :(
It's such a horrible thing to happen, you can imagine how anxious I was when I found out what had happened to my friend. I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel.

Take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up hun, you couldn't have prevented this.
Thinking of you, we're all here. Don't be on your own xxx
I just wanted my baby so much.
I just wanted to love it and be happy.
I feel so empty and sad :(
:( Your baby is always in your heart hun, and will forever be your little angel looking over you.
You won't ever forget either.
Things will get better in time.

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