Too early?

tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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I just wondered what people opinions are on this

My Sister in law is due on the 3rd September and when i went around to hers the other day she had eveything set out as though the baby was here already. She had the cot up and made, mobile up, the moses basket on its stand in her bed room, bottles in the steraliser, pushchair up at the front door, play gym in the lounge, wardrobe full of clothes, baby bath in the bathroom, car seat in the car etc... (everything you could possibly need apart from the baby being here)

She said she is doing it so that her little boy gets used to the idea of having a baby around. Im not sure how early people start perparing for a new baby but to me (not talking from experience!) this seems a little to early?

What do people think? How prepared are you guys at this stage?
with my first we started to get stuff as soon as we knew! we were just so excited. The room was all ready by the time I was six months pg!

well i don't have any kids so i wouldn't know if you should start getting the house prepared for them...

but would i be right in thinking she has 4 months until she has her bub??

i think it is way to early for setting up everything.. i didn't get my cot and pram till 3 weeks ago :roll: but i don't know.... i do think it is a bit to early to be getting everything ready

how far gone is she??
I'm due on the 7th sept and we have the cot up (with mobile) clothes in the wardrobe, she has a drawful of nappies, sleep suits etc. Her room is all decorated pink. The pram, moses basket and car seat are all hidden away but we have everything we need. We are well and truly prepared and thats how I like it. :cheer:
I am due on the 26th September and I wish I was that prepared, problem is, everytime I go to buy anything I get a sort of mental block that prevents me, almost like I don't yet believe I am really having a baby, even though I have had scans and everything. The only things I have bought so far is a few items of clothing, which my friend litterally had to force me to buy to get over my fear of baby shopping!!!
At this rate, I will be sending my o/h out for everything at the very last minute!!!!
I think she is about 23 weeks gone (due September 3rd) - we have known pretty much since conception (oh yes she told us all the details TMI for me really!).

I just wondered really as i have never been in that position (hears hoping to baby number 1 for us soon!) and all my firends waited till at least they got their maternity grant and if they weren't entitled to that they waited till about they were 6 months.

I guess i was just interested in what other people do, didn't mean to sound like i was critising her so sorry if it sounded like that.

Hope you ladies all have fun shopping!
I'm 25 weeks and this weekend I had an unusual amount of spare time on my hands and all I wanted to do with it was prepare for the baby.
Sometimes it feels like all you can do is organise yourself and be ready and it gives you a really good feeling that it's all there ready and waiting. For me personally I'm still trying to buy a place to live, so I can't begin on any nursery organisation and it drives me crazy! So instead this weekend I bought a changing bag and all the creams, cotton wool balls and nappies to go in it. Completely mental? You bet, but it makes me calmer knowing that I've sorted one little area.
I've bought loads of clothes already and I've goit 6 months yet :shock:
I'm due on 1st Sept and I haven't bought a single thing yet. I'd like to get prepared, but I do feel it's too early at the moment, and also because I haven't made my mind up as to which cot or pram, or even which brand of other bits and bobs I want to get yet.
I've got the pram/cot and isofix base all waiting for me at Mothercare on a nursery plan, we have clothes one pack of nappies and bibs here in his draws.
I'm not actually due till 8th September however i will be having this LO mid Aug as i have to have the section 4 weeks early, i don't think we have done anything too soon the cot pram and other Mothercare stuff is being delivered end of July.
Thanks for you responses ladies - im sure its just my inexperience in this area. She is a very organised person so maybe i need to be a little more understanding.

Hope al goes well with the rest of your pregnancies and i hope to be joining 1st trimester soon :pray:
I think its just one less thing to be thinking about nearing your big day :)
I'm 23 weeks and we have bought most of the stuff. It's amazing how strong the urge is to get stuff for the baby! Must say tho... we havent put it all out, its all stored in box's.
This is our first baby so not really sure how quickly things should be bought/set up but we have the whole nursery sorted already...clothes, cot, moses basket, pram, bath, car seat, everything!! :lol:
I started buying clothes when I was about 10 weeks pregnant - I know that was far too soon but there were January sales on and I figured I could always put the stuff on sale on ebay or something if the worst was to happen.

We've just bought the cot and it was the last big thing we needed to get. Travel system, high chair, changing mat and bouncer got. Mine and OH's moms both stacked us up with plenty of nappies, baby lotion, wipes etc all the johnsons toiletries, and also loads of babygrows.. his mom has bought the walkie talkie monitor things too. When his and my mom come down to see us next, we'll prob have another few bagfuls of stuff :shock:

So we're pretty much sorted but not got anything up yet (cot not arrived yet anyway), and OH's mom is convinced it's bad luck to have the pram up in the house before the new baby is born? I'm not into all this bad luck stuff but OH wants to please his mom, so there I was setting the pram up outside the house and then looking like a complete muppet as I couldn't figure out how to fold it down again.. :shock:
I'm due 5th Sept and have only bought a few small things so far. Just got a baby bouncer delivered today from ebay, brand new and a great bargain. I'm leaving the travel system until August time so I can try the sales to get a good bargain and lots of other things I'm getting as presents! I don't think there's ever a wrong time to buy things though, it's great fun x
Oh my god I think i must be the most unprepared person here! I havent bought a single item yet! I better get my act together and do some serious shopping over the next couple of weeks to catch up with you guys!!!
flower said:
Oh my god I think i must be the most unprepared person here! I havent bought a single item yet! I better get my act together and do some serious shopping over the next couple of weeks to catch up with you guys!!!

That would make me more unprepared that you! I'm further ahead than you, currently at 24 weeks, and I haven't bought a single item either. :hug:

Think I will start to draw up a list of all the tiems I want to get and take it from there.
hi this is my second and i was really unorganised last time. but im due 11th september and i have everything ready except baby monitors and need a few more clothes. if she is anything like me it could be because she is sooo excited that she wants everything ready because she cant wait and feels pregnancy is going really slow. there is no harm in being prepared and i have moses basket etc in living room to get reanna used to baby takin up sooo much space because it is sumthing she has got to deal with sooner rather than later. xxxxx
well im due on the 18th september and unfortunatly we are living with the OH parents and looking for house so i havent been able to set everything up yet, its all stashed in the wardrobe! :(

If i had my own place i would have the nursary done by now i think but i do think the rest is a bit to early, but thats just my opinion.... everyone if different!

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