my heart was in my stomach...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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walking home from school today with my little boy and another mum and her little boy.. we were crossing over the rd cause the green man on and the traffic lights were red and next thing this girl in a car with r plates flew past nearly running over our kids! she flew threw a red light at a pedestrian crossing! im livid, i only got the start of her number plate but i know the car and i will be keepin a look out for it, cant beleive some people.. she missed my child by inches and flew on!
OMG :shock:

That's so rude!! That really angers me... How obvious does something have to be?! RED lights, PEOPLE crossing!!??

Sorry you had to go through that :hug:

its crazy, it cud of been bad, i will pull her about it for def, this isnt a big town so will see her about for sure and get her number plate and report it too the police.. she must of got her licsence in a lucky bag, stupid cow..
I am mad just thinking about it. I hope the police will do something about it. Ugh, I hate people who drive like that. :x
Definitely! Next time it could be someone else it happens to if she carries on driving like that... yes! I think she got it in a lucky bag too!!!

I'd call the police and tell them, give them the info that you have and I'm sure they can look on cctv around that area and find the full reg and haul that woman in.

How careless and inconsiderate can people be.
she will end up knocking someone down and at that speed it wud be serious.. felt like running after her and kicking her head in but she was out of sight quickly and i dont think my bump wud appreciate that lol..
I'd do what star suggested call the policwe give a description and a time theres bound to be cctv near a kids school
Yes - please report it straight away! The sooner to the time of it happening that youreport it, the better. They wont look into it if you wait too long. They can actually search the car just by you telling them half the reg and the colour / type etc! x
Oh my god, this person sounds like a complete lunatic. I would report it too, she shouldn't be allowed on the roads putting childrens lives in danger like that.

Alex xxx

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