pushchair superstiton

see i agree with you all. if something bad was to happen it would happen anyway.

just feel annoyed cos ive had any bad thoughts out of my head for ages and now they have put them bk. not just the pushchair thing but in general.

im like oh god what could hapen/ what if something bad does happen.

i know it's silly and its very doubtful anything will as everything has been fine. as i type this lo is giving me a reasurring kick but people saying stuff plays on my mind. xxx

I think your family have been a bit insensitive to put these thoughts and worries in your head really.....of course everyone is anxious and worried so ranting on about stupid superstitions like you could bring on some tragedy actually annoys me. Grrrrrr!!! xxx
The way I see it is when the pram arrives the baby's room will all be done with all the things we have bought in there, why on earth wouldn't I have my pram here too

I know people worry but I don't see what keeping your pram away will do to help

Just my opinion
i completely agree amanda. annoys me to. why would anyone worry about a pram when the rest of the nursery is done. surely an empty cot is the ssame sort of thing. xxxx
My mum must be an old wife lol. When I had my son she insisted I keep pram at her house! Well this time around its in my bloody attic..... Ill get it down after baby born and hope its all in one piece and not mouldy lol. If it is then ill just deal with it then. Ive no room to being it down before.....ok, maybe ill get it down soon, check it and shove it back up....
Well I figure I already have aoibheann's buggy here so when I get the next one I'll leave it in the spare room as well

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