baby clothing...


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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hey girlies! i was just wondering, should i think about buying more NB clothes or look more at 0-3months?

i've seen some lovely clothes and i dont know what sizes to buy... is it best to get some NB and more 0-3 ???? when did your little ones start wearing 0-3month clothes??????

and how bigger baby is NB clothing mean to fit???

thank you for reading x x x
My little one is already growing out of her newborn clothes and as of middle of last week she weighed 8lb 2oz. It also depends on the length of the baby too as to how long you find they are in newborn.

Will probably start putting my little one in 0-3 very soon.

I found the best clothes for a newborn are vests and sleepsuits. She has a few little outfits but it can be a pain when changing bum to faff about removing.

Hope that helps :)
Ditto charlie84 on the sleepsuits and vests in the early days/weeks/months. I have never bothered with outfits for children when really small (nannying) and won't with my own either.

Easier for changing, laundry etc. Outfits are cute but putting on a pair of trousers or a top can be a pain when they are small, then 5 minutes later its off again and in the wash.

We got a handful of of newborn vests and sleepsuits (3 of each) and then 0-3. TBH you can go out and buy more in whatever size you need once LO is here.

Also consider clothing wise the time of year your LO will arrive and be in for the first 3 months. Buying summer clothes for an autumn/winter baby isn't really worth it for example.
I love little outfits, I was lucky that Austin was never sick as a baby (not even posseting) so I could happily put him in an outfit and he would be in it all day. He only ever wore baby gros at night :wink:

I seem to remember he was into 0-3 by the time he was 3 or 4 weeks old - I didn't bother buying any newborn but we were given some and he didn't wear it for long. He was 8lb 6oz born.

I would buy mostly 0-3, unless you have a small baby s/he will fit 0-3 pretty much from birth anyway.
Lucy was 6lb 14oz when she was born and didn't fit any new baby clothes. I had to send people to get "tiny baby" sizes.

I wouldn't buy much as you're bound to get given lots and you just won't know what size you'll be needing so I'd go with the 6 vests/sleepsuits etc. and then you can buy more of what will suit once baby is born.
we never brought any newborn stuff just went straight into 0-3, and shes 6 weeks now and there already too small :rotfl:
I bought some newborn and some 0-3 month stuff and none of it fits him! My mum had to go out and get some tiny baby clothes

Don't buy too many things - u will get loads as presents and if u need bigger or smaller then someone can go out and get them for u. They are always more than happy to do so ;)
Well it depends on the size of the baby. Layla was 6 lbs 3 when she was born and all her NB clothing was too big so I had to go out and buy "tiny baby" clothing. TBH for the first few weeks she only wore babygros/sleepers as I wasn't taking her out and the 'outfits' were just impractical. She moved into NB at about 5 weeks and has now just moved into 0-3months. She is quite long though so her ickle tootsies reach right to the end of the babygros :roll: She started wearing 'outfits' at around 6 wks. I would say just stick with practical/comfortable clothing for the first few weeks and then move into the more fun stuff after a few weeks. As far as sizing goes I would say buy minimal amounts (maybe one pack in tiny baby, one in NB and one in 0-3months) and then leave off buying anything else until you know how big/long baby is.
Aww thankx everyone, that is all really helpful and given ,me a better insite of what i should buy. hehe
My Oh is V.superstisuous and does not want to buy any baby stuff yet... its sooooooo hard going out and seeing so much nice bits and bobs ect... we are trying to wait untill 28weeks plus.... not long to go! hehe!
thank you again everyone. x x x
Hi there

Thought I would add my tuppensworth to this thread. I had a beautiful girl who is now almost 11 weeks old. She was 7lb 6 when she was born which is about average I think. She is now 11lbs and is still too small for a lot of 0-3 month clothes. I knew I was having a little girl before she was born and was super organised with the most amount of pink things imaginable. I have put her in wee outfits since she was born, small baby things first before she grew into new born. A tip is to get newborn outfits that have seperate tops and bottoms cause they tend to last a lot longer and just get plain baby grows and sleepsuits cause they are always covered up and then they can be used for the next one it he/she is a different sex - something I wish I did.

Lastly invest in a baby grow bag for bed time, they are the best!!!

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