Tim Loughton MP -Stillbirth Registration Ten Minute Rule Bill


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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This was shared to me today by SiMBA with the request to share with your local mp if you feel strongly about it.

His is requesting that babies born still, before 24 weeks are officially registered to allow for parents to grieve, having their baby legally recognised. This additionally allows more accurate figures to be gathered about miscarriage/stillbirth rates which they will hopefully invest more time and money researching as it's not changed in a long time!

I got a little certificate from the hospital which was part of my pack from SiMBA. It's a record for us of our little girls birth but it's not an official document. From her birth to her cremation she was treated as a little person, and rightly so, but legally she didn't exist. Hopefully we can help to change things for the future. So share far and wide if you feel strongly about this too.
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While I really appricieate the sentiment of this (a few years ago I suffered a late mc), I feel it is a difficult subject.

For registration to occur the gestation currenty needs to be on or above 24 weeks; as this is the point of development where a baby can survive outside the womb, albeit with support. I appreciate in rare cases this may also be possible at a sligtly earler gestation.

For registration prior to this gestation a debate about the classification of "life" would need be entered into and also registration prior to 24 weeks would have pro-choice implications.

It is a very difficult subject with no easy answer.

There could possibly be the formation of a new registry.
Hi Kathy, I appreciate where you're coming from, and I think that's really what is being suggested. Also I wondered where a 'lower limit' cut off might stand if a registration process were to be possible, or if all miscarriages would be registered at any gestation, which would be a fairer way and avoid the judgement of cut off dates.

I certainly don't mean to cause any offence by sharing this, and hope it doesn't cause people distress. Yes there are far greater implications but I would have liked the opportunity to register my baby, in a legally recognised way.
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And also that I am not sharing a political view here, just a personal one.
I think it is a very valid point, important to be raised - recognition is needed, it will just be a difficult road. Though every journey starts with a simple step.
The bill was unanimously agreed by all MPs, it will now go on to the next stage!

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