My experience at hospital

Tee - I am not sure if this is the right thing to say but I think you write beautifully.

I know you have had a God awful, soul destroying experience but the way you write about it is very concise, open and honest.

I wish there was something more we could do for you - I truly do.

Now you are through the physical part of this process I wish you lots of love as you begin your emotional recovery.

Tee - I am not sure if this is the right thing to say but I think you write beautifully.

I know you have had a God awful, soul destroying experience but the way you write about it is very concise, open and honest.

I wish there was something more we could do for you - I truly do.

Now you are through the physical part of this process I wish you lots of love as you begin your emotional recovery.


aww thank you....I've always been open and try to be honest, I really do believe in sharing even if it is difficult to do at time, it's almost therapy....writing is a passion of mine, poetry, stories etc...thank you for a lovely compliment xx
aww thank you....I've always been open and try to be honest, I really do believe in sharing even if it is difficult to do at time, it's almost therapy....writing is a passion of mine, poetry, stories etc...thank you for a lovely compliment xx

I wasn't sure if it was an appropriote thing to say :shock: but I am really struck by your style of writing.

Your opening post here me in floods of tears but also I see your openess and honesty as very good traits for getting you through this awful time. Putting your feelings out there makes it easier for those around you to "help" - although of course no-one can help really?

All we can do is be "here" and if you find writing here thearaputic then go for it... Any little thing we can do to help then we will.

Take it easy sweetie - you are a very strong, brave lady and I am full of admiration for you

Tee I am so sorry for everything you have been through, I can't iimagine how you must be feeling.

I'm so glad you have something to remember your little boy by. Bless his little heart. Massive :hug: to you and lots of love xxxxx
Oh Tee...I'm so very sorry for your loss :hug:

Aww look at your boy Joseph's little hand and footprints. So cute and lovely that you were able to have these.

I really hope that you have great support at home and that with time your pain eases. xx

Oh and how is your little pup doing? xx
I am so terribly sorry you've had to go through this. I think the nurse sounded lovely, just the sort of person you'd need at a time like this and Joseph's scan and hand and footprints are so beautiful for you to keep. Massive hugs and love.
So sorry you had to go through that, you were amazingly brave. Big hugs xxx
im so sorry. his hands and footprints are beautiful so perfect and tiny no one should go through what you have been through. i hope your pup pulls through xx
You are such a strong woman and I am in admiration for you hun :hug: stay strong darling, you are an amazing lady. Sending you all the love and hugs in the world xxxxxxxx :hugs:
Just read you story and I am in tears, you have been through so much and I just hope that things start to look up for you hun.

I try to avoid this section but i heard about your loss & i wanted to say how sorry i am & send you & your dh my deepest sympthy. I lost two babies myself & reading this just brought it all back to me, :( i am so sorry sweet heart, you & your little angel are in my thoughts. Lots of love. xxx
Oh my goodness I was crying reading your story. I'm so sorry. You've been tremendously brave and I really hope you can grieve and find peace xxx

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