** Those that had SPD**


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Those of you that had SPD.... Do you still suffer?

I have been in agony the last few days, very very painful groin, can't turnover in bed, can't walk unless my legs are shut (waddling like a penguin) can't open my legs, can't get off the floor...

With 2 little ones to look after it isn't much fun :(

I am just wondering whether to go back to the docs about it, the only reason i am bothering is because 1 its painful, and 2 the physio told me my right side hip is alot higher than the other, so i am just hoping that it won't cause future problems.

With Amy it eased after a few weeks but after having Jack it has got worse and worse :(
yes, I still suffer! but I see a physio and we have started doing hydrotherapy, which seems to be doing good...but good is not enough to stop it completely :(

Don't know what to say really, but yea, yuo're not alone! (not sure it's helpful is it!!!?)

Mel xx
Is it just me ar is anyone else still suffering with this after 6 months or so?

I am agony again today, can't walk properly :( :(

Tankett mentioned her physio said it would go after pregnancy, so is this just something wrong with my body?

I just want to cry :cry:
Most of mine did go when Seren was born but I do get the odd twinge but nothing like when I was pregnant.
it must just be me :( :( :(

I might ask for an x ray to see how or where my bones are
I have used Mc Timoney Chiropractic to help previously after a car accident when i had reoccuring headaches and neck pain.
It is not as hands on as normal chiropractic, but they see imbalances in to your muscles etc, she found that my neck was completely cramped and misaligned as was my pelvis and with some very light unpainful movents she moved things around, it was relaxing but i felt better and didn't have any headaches for over 6 weeks which was unusual.
It might be worth it for your SPD.
I now wear a Magnetic braclet to help control my migraines which i only get about 2x per month now, and for my clicky knees and hip!
I would go back to mctimoney but the lady who used to do mine moved and i found the new guy rather sleezy :puke: and didn't feel comfortable.
Hope this helps or gives ideas.
Mctimoney isn't just for spinal problems it for your whole body.
beanie said:
Most of mine did go when Seren was born but I do get the odd twinge but nothing like when I was pregnant.
Same for me, just the odd twinge.
I have an appointment with my doctor in the morning at 10.10 so i will hopefully get something done then.

Something definately isn't right especially when it gets to the point where i can't walk.

I Thought all this would end when i had the baby, well i hoped it would i had enough of it since having Amy, it never went properly after havin her then i got pregnant with jack it came back with double the pain and hasn't gone since :( :(

So restricting and not fun with 2 children
What is SPD lol I must sound so thick xxx
Symphasis Pubis Dysfunction

It where you get painful pelvis area and groin area and only affects pregnant women (usually)

It restricts walking sitiing too long, turning over in bed, opening your legs to a certain distance etc.
Good luck at the docs Yvonne. It definitely sounds like you need some extra help. Let us know how you get on.
Well i went, She doc told me it isn't unusual for someone that had it as bad as me to take a while to get back to normal. She saw the pain i was in and said that because i had no problems before p[egnancy then she can't see it being anything more serious BUT she is referring me to physio and the orthapeadic surgens to be on the safe side.

Just have to wait for the appointment now, she gave me some anti inflammatories to take in the mean time.

At least i know something is being done to help me
Glad it's gettign sorted and you GP is taking you seriously babe. I hope your appointment isn't too long xx
I'm chuffed you're getting somewhere hun. Hopefully it won't take long for the physio appointment. They shoud be able to help you there.

Can I just ask you a question?? What sort of birth did you have with Jack?? Was it a section or vaginal, and if the latter, did you have an epidural?

I'm having a section purely because of how bad my SPD is, and just wondered if that will possibly affect me more after. :?
I had a natural birth i asked if i could see how i go as i had Amy to look after at home i didn't want a C-section. But it hurt, i did manage it but the pain as the head was decending and pushing on my pelvis OMG! :shock:

I asked for an epidural but they wouldn't give me one as they needed me to know my limits for the pushing stage.

Luckily Jack was out after 2 pushes so i didn't have to open my legs that long.

If i ever got caught again (not planning on one) i would ask for a c section purely because of that.

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