I had bottles & formula in both times i planned to breastfeed.
I ff my first, breastfed my second (for 14months) and didnt think the third time round i would have any probs and didnt think i wouldn't be able to esp as i managed to breastfeed dd2 for so long.
However i only breastfed this time for 4days

first 2days were fine, then days 3 & 4 when my milk came in was downhill from there, i had so much milk my boobs were so huge and engorged and when i expressed nothing much came out (even though they were so full) and my son couldnt latch on, we both got really stressed and it was very difficult and stressfull for both of us cos my son couldnt latch on cos my boobs were too full. i tried expressing when he was asleep meaning i wasnt sleeping and even then i couldnt get much. the midwife said it was weird cos she knew i had so much milk but couldnt express, she even tried.
so im glad i did have bottles & formula in for that reason. if you dont have any probs and want to breastfeed and have no probs and no good reason for giving formula you wont use it, so it being there wont make you reach for it unless you need to.
i personally think with my experience this time it is nieve to think im not gona get anything in cos im gona be able to breastfeed. you dont know if you will be able to you dont know if you will have any probs.
i never thought i would have to give up so soon this time after 14months last time but you never know if your gona be able to or wha6t will happen so i always had stuff in. good job i did dont know what i would have done after my son not being able to latch on and screaming with hunger.