This little bean is so a boy!

T'is a Secret

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2009
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with my daughter i could eat sweet things until they came out of my ears and i was full of energy. With my son chocolate gave me awful stomach ache literally within 10 minutes of eating the stuff. Just had some gorgeous green and blacks white chocolate and just had to rush to the loo :oops: (not that i could do anything thanks to the other issue! :lol: )

Anyone else have any thoughts?
Well they do say you crave sweet things if you're having a girl and savoury for a boy...maybe it'll be team blue for you then.

Tragic waste of green & blacks tho :lol:

I just had dinner and it tasted so salty that all i want to eat now is cookies! Maybe that means team pink?!
ooo we'll have to check back on this thread when we know and see if we're right :)

Also i shall see what i 'see' when i'm trying to sleep tonight. I've often 'see' things (sounds stupid but some of my silly visions have actually come true!)
Massive congrats in order :) how long have you know TAS ?

I ate sweet loads with a girl!!!!!
Did a test Valentines Day Evening. Spent the night in a bit of shock to be honest. But all happy now, just need to make some room in the house :lol:
with my daughter i craved sweet AND savoury, just food in general! :lol: i am the same this time- altho i do NOT have sore boobs, i couldnt lie on my front when i was preg with millie but now my boobs are fine. so i think my bean is a boy too! also idk why but i just have a hunch its a boy!!
theres so many different suggestions on how to tell sex, Im craving food full stop, norammly a nice salad sandwich followed by Chocolate and lots of it!! I hav e agut feeling mines a boy!
I've only ever wanted sour and salty foods up until about a week ago (which sucked as I was hugely thirsty anyway and adding salt into the mix meant I spent half my day drinking water :lol:) but I have recently indulged in lots of yoghurts and ice cream :?
I want savory stuff, but every now and again i fancy some custard or something like that...... so its a boy but he may have a softer side?!
when i first found out i was convinced it was a girl but having had my scan i now am convinced its a boy.

i dont know why as my scan was at 7w so it looked like a tiny kidney bean :lol: It's not that I thought it looked like a boy I just came away assuming I'd have a boy.

I'm sure once I tell everyone they'll all have their own theories and place a sweepstakes like we did for my friend (she lsot me $20 :lol:)
I reckon only having a girl could make me this moody!!! :lol:
Plus i'm going off savoury things too and I need to find a decent spread for my toast as I normally have bovril but that's sooo salty and makes me feel ick!
i've gone off chocolate and sweet things- so maybe that means its a perky not a pinky!
we'll definitely have to keep a check on whether we are right or not. We're probably way off the mark but it's fun all the same :)
As my 1st pregnancy i've not got anything to compare to but i'm a savoury girl (when i'm not pg) & can easily take or leave chocolate (i'm odd i know! haha :D )
But just after i must've concieved i craved chocolate a little bit & ate some chocolate cake - which i never do! But that only lasted a week or so & now i'm back to my savoury stuff but still eating chocolate every now & then....maybe i've got one of each!! haha I shouldn't joke should I! :lol:

But i did read somewhere craving sweet stuff can mean you need a top of B vitamins or something - i could be wrong though.....
Nice? Hell yes! Chocolate with a hint of nuttiness, can't go wrong. Healthy? weeeeellll, not as bad as you might think being chocolate, but obviously not exactly calorie free...

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