Is this a bug or a pregnancy thing? (tmi alert!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Ok - all yesterday I had really awful wind (painful like when you're going to have diaorreah) and yesterday night was up several times on the loo with an upset stomach - and again this morning. This is quite odd as I have gone from being on the verge of going to buy prune juice to being on the loo every 5 minutes!!!

Have stayed home from work - partly because they don't like you being in with things like that and partly because I couldnt see much work getting done if I was permanently in the toilet!!!

Just wondering - can you get things like this as a pregnancy symptom or is it likely to be a bug (or something I ate?)
I have to say I've had it on/off during my pregnancy. I think it's to do with being constipated then everything shifting.
Hi BB!

Well i have this and had it last time. Its like bleeding feast or famine! I had such bad pain with it the other day my OH nearly called an ambulance and I hyperventilated a bit! Way worst than labour pains!

So not sure if you have a bug but it is a pregnancy thing for me! You forget all this galmourous stuff!
This is the thing - I don't mind if it's a pregnancy thing as it means I can go back to work but when I'm not sure I can't risk it. :evil:
I would personally wait until wednesday to see if it's cleared. Stomach bugs don't usually last more than 24-48 hours so if you've stopped by then I'd say it was probably safe to go back plus you might actually be constipated again by then :(
I think you know that all this stuff is gradually whittling away your dignity little by little so that when you get to the legs in stirrups, crapping on a table, flashing your ladygarden to a load of students part you just don't care anymore....
could be a bug hun or could be pregnancy difficult to say really see how you go today and keep drinking plenty of fluids.
:lol: The fun bits of pregnancy eh!!!

Just make sure you're drinking lots and lots too obviously because if you've got the squits you're losing a lot of water :)
babyblonde said:
I think you know that all this stuff is gradually whittling away your dignity little by little so that when you get to the legs in stirrups, crapping on a table, flashing your ladygarden to a load of students part you just don't care anymore....

:lol: that's got to be it!! Have you agreed to have students??
Haven't even met the midwife yet!!!!!

Probably would allow students though (as long as not too many!) - as when I was training to be a Speech Therapist I was very reliant on people being kind enough to let me get involved, otherwise I wouldn't have qualified!

Couldn't promise that I wouldn't yell GET OOOOOOOUT at the top of my voice if I found them irritating though :oops:
I wouldn't allow students at my birth mainly coz I'm going to the same uni with them come october next year :lol: and I have no desire to meet someone at freshers week who have seen my foofoo.
babyblonde said:
Ok - all yesterday I had really awful wind (painful like when you're going to have diaorreah) and yesterday night was up several times on the loo with an upset stomach - and again this morning. This is quite odd as I have gone from being on the verge of going to buy prune juice to being on the loo every 5 minutes!!!

Have stayed home from work - partly because they don't like you being in with things like that and partly because I couldnt see much work getting done if I was permanently in the toilet!!!

Just wondering - can you get things like this as a pregnancy symptom or is it likely to be a bug (or something I ate?)

i'm the same :oops:
I was like this the other day. G was getting all worried cos i'd not been able to "go" properly for a few days.
Then all of a sudden it was wind pains, and running to the loo all night. Was like it for about 15 hours, then back to not being able to go haha.
I've now got an empty fruit shoots bottle filled with water to carry round with me wherever I am just to make sure I'm hydrated. Sooo attractive lol.
Sounds just like me and I've wondered the same thing. For a few days I can't go then I've got horrible cramps and runny tummy. I've put it down to pregnancy. Not sure if there is anything to take for it though?
I've been nibbling on gaviscon peppermint tablets, they're more for indegestion or something but they seem to have helped settle my tummy, and the leaflet said they were ok to take cos theres not really much in them.

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