When is a craving a craving?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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I have nausea most mornings and don't fancy anything to eat until well past midday (will sometimes have a glass of milk in the morning) but when I go to open the fridge, more often than not I turn my nose up at everything I see there.

Then inspiration hits.

Now how do you define a craving? Is it just something you 'fancy' or is it like some overwhelming desire that you MUST have that thing right away or what? My friend is asking me if I have cravings. We were int he supermarket and I was really looking forward to having a cheese, pickle and tomato sandwich for lunch and she went "oooh cravings!" but I said no, that I just fancied it.

Likewise I had a mushroom risotto at 11am (and some more of it around 3pm) cos it was what I felt like eating and am having hot chocolate and digestives for dinner.

I'm assuming this isn't cravings, it is just what I can stomach (at 11am) or what I feel like...?

Can any craving ladies enlighten me?
That's what I figure too, budda - I always thought cravings were stuff you wouldn't normally fancy but just HAVE to have. But I think some people interpret fancying something as being a craving... maybe it's just me that doesn't get them!
I would say a craving is a MUST have...something u feel the world would end if u didnt have it straight away lol

With my last pregnancy i craved Vimto squash.....would have a litre in 2 days,it was of upmost important my hubby got it for me each day on his way back from work or there would be hell to pay for fearing i may run out.Funnily enough the baby was born with a purple twinge lol
i would say a craving is something u cant stop thinking about until u get it! when i was pregnant with millie it was ice cubes, i just LOVED crunching them- after i'd given birth i wondered what was up with me wanting a cup of ice cubes 3 times a day! but now i could just crunch thru a cupful yes! not outside tho, brr, its cold! but inside i got the heating on and i'm warm, could kill a cup of ice!
PMSL Trix you weirdo ;)

And Vimto?! Seriously?! Anything that's an anagram of 'vomit' gets the thumb's down in my book I'm afraid. (you watch, I'll be craving branston and ice cream soon enough :lol:)

Thanks for that ladies. So I CAN tell my friend she's full of poop then. I just fancied a cheese sandwich for my lunch!!!
when i got cravings, i could literally taste what i wanted, and just neeeeeeded it, couldnt stop thinking about it till thats what i got :rotfl:
Yep that definitely sounds like my definition of a craving bumblebee! Am I weird that I don't get them? Probably a good thing. Can't believe it's likely that it just means I have a properly balanced diet :lol:
I don't really have any 'will die without' cravings but sometimes really fancy something...usually something we don't have in.

This week it's cucumber - usually I find it Ok and will have it with a salad or something but this week it's been on all my sandwiches. But I don't think I'd be running to the shop if we ran out!

My eating habits have definetly changed since I got preggers - things I used to love I now hate i.e. tea and cornish pasties but other things I don't usually buy end up in my shopping basket - beef paste at the moment but I think that's because I used to eat pate and I'm not allowed now cos of the liver content.

I still can't eat any fruit after a melon :puke: experience in week 7!
I am not really craving anything but at night I can hardly stomach anything.. I used to love veg but now I cant eat it. I mean it actually makes me feel sick. All I am eating is carbs all day, every day.. I dont think its a craving as such!! I have put on so much weight though as I used to only eat carbs in the morning and now I am having marmite on toast at 10pm! oh the joys of being pregnant!

Kerry&Rich said:
I am not really craving anything but at night I can hardly stomach anything.. I used to love veg but now I cant eat it. I mean it actually makes me feel sick. All I am eating is carbs all day, every day.. I dont think its a craving as such!! I have put on so much weight though as I used to only eat carbs in the morning and now I am having marmite on toast at 10pm! oh the joys of being pregnant!


ok i want marmite now!!! *drool*
Mmmm marmite... have you tried the mini marmite rice cake things? Like snack a jacks but not? they're sooooo good... I know what you mean about the carbs, keep trying to eat good stuff but fruit and veg just doesn't cut it sometimes - an apple a day might keep the doctor away but it never seems to keep hunger at bay!
I thought I had a couple of cravings early in my pregnancy, but at the end of the 2nd Tri my real craving kicked in
......for ICE!!!

I would go through at least 5 trays a day, stop at fast food places for drinks and ask for lots of ice, sit in restaurants eating ice with a fork, and would get up in the early hours of the morning to munch a few cubes as the craving was so strong! It was like a severe addiction.......and quite distressing at times, I really couldnt get enough of it.

Luckily the craving stopped immediately after my baby was born!!
well i havent felt my world would end if i dont eat something but i have really fancyed some funny things lol but i tell you one the things i hate is meat moslty like ham and stuff like that i mean i cnt even think of it with out almost being sick never mind see it ahhh its horrible lol
My current fix is Lucozade....original,lemon or orange...i cant get enoughits just soooooo refeshing,although it doesnt give me energy it keeps me up at night though :( need to find something else me thinks,but what??? Tried all sorts of fruit juices and doesnt come close....

.......Help me !! :(
Cloudy lemonade maybe? Or appletise or something? It's probably the slight fizz that makes it nicer than fruit juice.

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