Is this morning sickness or a bug???


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi there,
Can anyone please advise please!!!!
I am five and a half (ish) weeks pregnant, I over splept this morning and then jumped up for the school run,
At the top of my tummy, near my ribs I have tummy ache and feel really sick, it seems to be easing off now. I ve been burping alot (that maybe causing the tummy ache) just not sure if this is morning sickness or a tummy bug???
I ve just had a couple of ceral bars (thats all I could face) I ve not been sick just feel like my tummy has been through a washing machine!!!!!
Does anyone else feel like this?????????? thank you xxxxx
i think with me anyways when its near my ribs its more like tummy ache off a tummy bug then moring sickness.MY morning sickness feels diffrent i cant really feel it any where in my tummy i just feel sick if you know what i mean lol. but should be another 2 worry about i was sick for a whloe day the other wk then the kids got it the day after so think that must of been a tummy bug coz it was my first and last time of being sick.
the tummy ache has gone now but still feel sickish!!!! I ve been burping like mad so I wonder if the tummy ache was wind!!!!!!! I ve not been sick and have eaten so that doesnt sound like a bug. Oh I am so confussed!!!
It looks well when I actually want morning sickness, just so I know I am still pregnant!!! Its so stressfull worrying if everything is ok, roll on my early scan on Monday x x
im 11wks now and havent really had any m/c just sometimes like you said i just feel abit sickly. got my scan on the 11th march its been a long wait will be over 13wks or about coz not 100% sure on my dates. in a way i cant wait for it but on the other hand it so scary but i havent got 2 long to go now. good look monday sure you will be fine xxxxxxxxxxx

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