this is so hard!-new saga this gets more and more jezza kyle

Oh yeah i forgot to add- he then said to me "i take it you don't want to go and see the new batman fillm with me when it comes out- i was gonna ask you" do you think he wants to try and woo me again? maybe he wants to date me

to be honest our relationship coulda done with a few romantic gestures like this..maybe it was his plan to do that!

I have a bit of hope again now that we can slowly get things back on track- hope he doesn't dash those hopes!!!

I hate men but i never want anyone else...the thought repulses me :( :(
Ahh see now I take back what I said about "maybe he wants all the good family stuff and none of the bad" it sounds like he does want to woo you!! :cheer:

He does sound like a gem, Gem lol :rotfl: (sorry... My jokes are TERRIBLE :oops: )

(EDIT: Just realised your name isn't Gem :rotfl: :rotfl: ) I always get you confused with Gem & Leland!!

It's completely up to you, there isn't a right and a wrong way of doing anything. If you want to keep his and Hayden's relationship separate to yours and his (as in, you two date and he spends time alone with Hayden) that could still work!

Let us know how the Batman film is :wink: Sounds like you've been tempted by that offer! x
:hug: :hug: :hug: aww, really sound lik eu wanna get bk together- i hope u can work it out :hug:
Hi hun, I really do feel for you :hug: My DD's dad and I split when she was 3 months old. We split up for 3 weeks before i found out i was PG and to be honest it was over and i hated him! Then when i found out i was PG i panicked. She was never planned but i wanted her. I tracked him down and showed him the test and collapsed into floods of tears shaking. He said everything would be ok but he wasnt being funny but he had arranged a weekend away with his mates and he was trying to find some drugs before he went!!! To that, he drove off. I waited all weekend for him to return on the Sunday evening and even sat outside his house in the car overnight until the next morning wondering how the hell we were going to get through this and would we be getting back together...? It drove me crazy. Finally his dad came to the car and said Mark was having so much fun he was going to stay another 2 days. I should have known then to kick the shit bag to the kerb. However, when he returned we got back together, bought a house and a family car and all was well for a short period of time. His mums response was "what are you going to do?" (i.e. have an abortion) and "i thought you wanted to travel?" Nice. He took a part time job on top of his full time job when i went on maternity leave which was never a good thing cos it was in a bar and he spent all the money he earnt while he was working and then going out afterwards and crawling home at 4am. I gave birth to DD and brought her home to friends and family and had a small celebration before i went to bed exhausted for a bit while he looked after DD. He woke me up late afternoon to ask if he could go to his mates 21st birthday party saying he HAD looked after her for 2 hours while i slept!!! Bloody cheek. It was the day of bringing his daughter home. Well he went and i was left alone and he arrived back round about 5am. Over time his drinking got worse, i came home to him and his mates smoking dope in my kitchen with clouds of smoke and they all started ringing him every evening to go out. If i said i wanted some family time he sulked until i was bored of watching his tantrums and being ignored and i told him to go out. Well the short of it is his drinking got worse and i kicked him out and he went back to his parents. I remember calling him there and demanding him to come and collect his stuff before i threw it into the garden and set fire to it. When he arrived i sat downstairs then took DD and went upstairs. I sat on the bed crying and saying we could work this out. He said he didnt think we could, he needed time to think, he didnt know. He kept visiting, crying when he came round. I kept crying and asking him to come back but he said he didnt know what to do. I turned into a wreck. I tried to arrange days out so he could see we could be a family and get things back to normal but he never took the hint and always left, kissing me on the cheek and saying he missed me. He gave me mixed signs and got my hopes up but never came back. When i stopped eating through pain and depression and had the heater on 3 bars through the hottest point of the summer people could see something was wrong, i was freezing though. It got to the point of when he came round i had to run to the toilet to be sick it made me that ill. For 18 months i was a mess. The midwife was concerned but i told her to mind her own business and shut off from the world. Thankfully i managed to cope with DD and she wasnt affected with the help of my family. It didnt help that a week after we split he was seen out with a mutual friend of ours DAWN. He denied any involvement of course. People told me different. Then she confirmed it. THIS girl was round our house celebrating the day we took DD home from hospital. She sat in MY chair, drinking MY champagne knowing all along she wanted him. They had known each other for 8 years and never been anything more than distant friends and now she was with him. I couldnt cope and weight fell off me to the point of him saying "god look at the state of you!" as i was so thin. It made a change from him saying "god look at the size of your thighs!!" though when i was pregnant i suppose! I couldnt return to work and had to go on anti depressants which made me forgetful and confused but bit by bit i tried to start eating and not surviving on coffee and fags and tried to build my life back up. I cried on the first day of going back to work, so much had changed, i didnt even have my own seat or desk anymore. I fought through it, throwing myself into work more and more and then got addicted to working. I did 7 day weeks, 12 hours a day sometimes but it meant i was with people and not stuck at home alone and making a life for us at the same time. I bought him out of the mortgage and took the house on myself. I ripped the kitchen out and designed a new one, same with bathroom and front garden and forgot about the low life w****r. He continued his relationship with her and got 10k inheritance money from a family member yet never gave us a penny. I had to fight him through CSA but he never paid. I let him see her and take her away for weekends but when he brought her back he was so p****d he could hardly stand up. This continued. Then he called off weekends when he was supposed to have DD as he had free footy tickets???? WTF! He promised to help me out financially since he had as much access as he wanted. At the end of the month he said "sorry i cant afford it" I gave him another chance and he continued to drink, take DD to smoky pubs, dump her with his parents while he went out with HER and he did the same again the next month and said he couldnt pay. Thing is he had a full time job and so did Dawn. I stopped contact for DD's sake. He never sent a xmas card, birthday card, called to ask if she was ok, still alive, NOTHING! He hasnt contacted her in 5 years. He only lived half a mile down the road but never visited. Dawn then attacked me in a bar one day causing me severe injuries and a bruised spine, black eye and awful bruising. I took her to court and she was found guilty of battering. This was her 3rd time in court and the third time guilty for the same offence. They are married now and continue to drink and take drugs together. She cheated on him with his mate 3 weeks before they got married and then twice afterwards. As far as I know they dont have any kids (although she wanted them when me and him were together) I hope they dont have any and justice is done. Sad thing is Mark was adopted and doesnt know his real parents. He doesnt know if they are dead or alive and has never looked for them, it screwed him up a little i think though he would never let me talk to him about it. I moved to Spain 3 years ago and met a lovely, caring and gorgeous bloke called Allan. He loves DD and she loves him. We are now trying to conceive baby no.2. I just wanted to say that i met a lot of wasters inbetween Mark and Allan and life was hard but i DID get over him eventually and met someone decent who i love dearly. We are trying to build our life here and though times have not always been easy and we are continually tested with life! Anyway sorry for the long post but i just wanted to say that if you want him back id take a bit of a back seat, dont call him, be pleasant, NEVER mention getting back together and just treat him like a friend and he will come running! Mark was the same, when i backed off he came forward and then when i steamed in there with "well lets get back together then" and started crying he ran for the hills! Give him some time at his own pace and im sure he will see sense. Hopefully, he wont be a t**t like my ex and go off with your best mate!" :roll: If you dont want him back then things will work out for you, i know people say "time is a healer" and you think yeah yeah but it does get easier and just because you have a little one doesnt mean you wont meet someone else. I always worried about this but really, a lot of blokes dont mind at all. Good luck in whatever you do. I know how much you must be hurting right now as i have been through the same myself. If you ever want to talk PM me hun. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: OMG sorry i was crying reading that- sorry to hear you went through such a lot of shit to get where you are today and thank you for sharing your story!I'm so pleased it turned out good for you in the end and you met a great guy who loves you and DD...i would guess all the stuff you went through with your ex has made you a stronger person!! Although Haydens dad has been a tw*t in the past this time i do think he is trying to do the right thing by all of us- ie not wanting to jump straight back into our relationship whan nothings changed so we don't end up like this in another few months or so. no matter what happens i know he will always be there for Hayden who he adores and to some extent he'd always be there for me if i need him. He is a good guy i just find it easier to hate him for not being here because i love him so much and want to be together and make it all ok (IYKWIM)

Anyway thats great advice and its what i know i must do in my head- its just sometimes easier said than done!
but i've been doing just that for the last few times i've seen him and then yesterday he said about moving into somewhere new together and taking me out jst us so i know its working...but slowly slowly i'd like us to have more space so he (and me) can deffo know we are serious about making it work and do not take it for granted and jump straight back into our old routine again!
I have hope now hes said things like that so i'll now find it easy to be happy and independant when he comes round, not mention our relationship or trying again-and just get on with him as a mate so that he can see we can get on and we can work it out.
And just be happy and have a laugh again like we used to...afterall i have missed his company and it would be lovely to have no pressure and just have a laugh with each other and i might go swimming with them on saturday afterall..

Thanks again for sharing that hun..i can't believe you DD dad was such a prick..him and that so called best mate of yours deserve each other and will probably OD together or die of liver failure....what a waste of space that pair sound!!! and your DD is way better off without that in her life!!! xxxxx
Yep he was a No.1 prize dickhead without a doubt and if he keeled over tomorrow it would be too soon... i would actually feel a sense of relief. DD hasnt asked about him for years and years, she is a happy 10 year old little girl with lots of friends and loves life. She doesnt need him wrecking her life and confusing and upsetting her and neither do i. Aww im sooooo pleased for you!!! Things seem to be working out. REMEMBER be strong! Dont text him unless he tests you. I know it seems like a bit of a game but guys get weak, text and then when you respond with what they want to hear they run for the hills again!!! :rotfl: A confusing species! Maybe you could ask him to look after LO for a night as you would like to go out with a friend? Believe me this would kick him into touch as my OH hates it when i go out alone, he sulks like no tomorrow so i dont do it often! Even if you just go for a long walk round Asda or go to the cinema, to a late night shopping mall for some retail therapy (he doesnt have to know where you are or who you are with :wink: ) The point is it will show you can be independant and acceptable with the situation without crumbling into a mess like i did (which got me nowhere really) and he will respect you so much for it. Then, maybe like you said, go swimming, enjoy your LO, have some fun and maybe some lunch afterwards but I would then say you had a lovely day and it would be nice to do a family day again and say goodbye for the day. It will seem that you are not desparate for his company (which you aren't!) and he will miss you. Thats what you want... let him miss you a little, Have some time together but some time apart more for a while. We have had some rough times, times when we niggle at each other and OH really pisses me off and im sure i do the same to him! :rotfl: Just yesterday he came home from work in a good mood, started niggling about something or other i hadn't done right. Though he would be funny and do a mad swerve into the barrier of the road to pretend he was going to drive into it. Of course i thought he had swerved to miss something and grabbed the side of the door preparing myself for a crash through the barrier and a 20ft drop. He said he thought i would think it was funny!!!!!! FUNNY????? Yes i thought it was nothing short of hilarious since i nearly had a heart attack and burst out crying through shock afterwards. I mean he knows i have been in several serious car accidents, 3 of which the cars were written off. One into a ditch the other flung from one side of the road to the other to the point of all the alloys cracked into bits and another with my parents 360 degress car accident as a child. I went mental. Im not a confident passenger as it is after all that has happened without this. MEN. God they never fail to amaze me sometimes :roll: Anyway i hope all goes well for you, i think you just need some space apart like we do from time to time. It makes you appreciate each other all the more. Good luck and keep us posted
Oh and as far as the new house is concerned.... FAB, BUT tell him you want to see how you both get on over the next few weeks and when you have got things back on track, feel secure and happy you would love to talk about it more. A little carrot dangling never did anyone any harm and it will give him some incentive to try harder and something to work towards. If you give in so soon he might just think its all too easy... like i said let him know you are tough and able to cope without him for the time being but you are happy to resolve when you can see everything is NOT back to normal or the usual but back to being happy and in love! :hug: Be strong and remember only contact him when completely necessary or he contacts you. You'll be back together in no time :wink:
what is missing from mens brains? its something in the humour bit--the bit where they think insensitive stuff is really funny and we don't!! Lol!!
Thank you very much for your advice i will post how it goes :-) :-) hopefully good stuff!!! :hug: :hug:
xxsammyxx said:
Oh and as far as the new house is concerned.... FAB, BUT tell him you want to see how you both get on over the next few weeks and when you have got things back on track, feel secure and happy you would love to talk about it more. A little carrot dangling never did anyone any harm and it will give him some incentive to try harder and something to work towards. If you give in so soon he might just think its all too easy... like i said let him know you are tough and able to cope without him for the time being but you are happy to resolve when you can see everything is NOT back to normal or the usual but back to being happy and in love! :hug: Be strong and remember only contact him when completely necessary or he contacts you. You'll be back together in no time :wink:

ah yes i told him we were not ready for that and that i would ever move so far from my friends and family as i would be stuck if this happened he knows i won't move far but if things go well a fresh start away from the momories in this flat would be great for us all! i just hope this works out (everything crossed) xxx
fran_23 said:
I haven't seen Haydens dad since tuesday and he is coming round at 7 to see him..he sent me a message yesterday about how he has missed hayden so much and didn't mention missing me.
I don't want to see him its gonna get all my emotions screwed up all over again but i want Hayden to see his dad so i'm gonna go out when he gets here..its just i know how upset i'm gonna feel that he doesn't want me anymore and is geting on with his life as if we were never even together.

i dunno how i'm gonna act when i see him :-( being a single mum is so hard..hats off to all the ladies in this section who have put up with so much shite from there babies fathers and have got through it and are wonderful mums. I don't know how you do it i just feel so depressed and some days i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself..i'm trying to keep busy and concentrate on Hayden but when hes in bed and i have done all the housework i just find myself thinking about stuff and i can't deal with it. I'm so down unless i'm doing stuff and even then i'm like a zombie on automatic pilot :cry:

EDIT- sorry just realised i posted this in the single and pregnant section

Well done honey... you are much stronger than i was and im proud of you (even though i dont know you!) :cheer:

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