getiing back together??


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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i'm not sure what to do, ppl on here who know what i went through last yr know that Haydens dad put me through a lot.

the thing that hurt most was how out of character it was, i mean i'd known him years and been living together & engaged for 2 yrs..
and he wasnt acting like himself at all.

anyway ever since march this yr he broke up with the girl he basically left me for and told me it was the worst mistake he ever made, he has been round mine nearly everyday to be with Hayden, we've been getting on really well and for the last few months hes been trying to get back together with me, i've been quite secretive about this to my family but its causing me so much stress now living my life like this (2 seperate lives)
i do love him and can see everyone makes mistakes etc my problem is my dad hates him and esp my sister, my mum would be ok with it if she thinks i'm happy..but i dont know if i can deal with the stress my sister and dad would give me if i did get back with him properly. ( i cant say his name without my dad wincing)

also could i trust him again? i'm unsure but would like to give it a go.
shall i just grow some balls and tell my family i'm 24 and have to live my own life? i love my family and they only care that i wont get hurt again but i'm so torn..its making me ill!
don't take him back fran.

leopards don't hange their spots. you are better off without him.
one day your prince will come my dear.

Stay strong and turn him away. think of hayden. think of yourself. you have managed without him for so long. do not weaken now.

it will only end in heartache for you again. :hug:
only you can make that choice. :) i can vaguely remember what went on last year and would you want to go through it again??
it could work but you could get hurt all over again. :hug:
if you feel deep down you can make it work then try but if you have any doubts id leave well alone.
Thinking about rekindling a bad relationship? Yep, been there, done that. I was thinking about the remote possibility of getting back with my baby's dad when LO was a couple of weeks old until I found out he was cheating on his new gf to be with me! I put it down to the hormones! :shock:

Going back is usually a bad idea, things never change and if he cheated once he is likely to do it again. But then I suppose it is a question of trust. Can you trust him not to do it again? Only you can make that choice. And if you do decide to take him back, bugger what everyone else thinks - just as long as you are happy! :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls :hug: :hug:
not sure what to do, you can't help who you love,
i still havent even looked at another man without feeling
sick. i'll see how things go with us staying friends.
i dont want to be weak and if it was someone else i'd say just get rid
but as i say you cant help or stop feelings can you?

but put it this way i'm not so weak that if he ever put a foot wrong again i wouldnt kick his ass to the kerb for good!
I think give it a go because you may always wonder about it if you don't. Just bear in mind you may be in a situation again one day where you'll say to yourself 'I should never had taken him back' and if you still want to give it a try then go for it. :)
my babys dad left me when i first found out i was pregnant. 3 months later he told me it was a mistake and i took him back because i loved him. but a few months later he left me again. and i wish so much i didnt take him back the second time because i had started to get over him but i ended up going back and getting my heart broken again. n its 10 times worse the second time around.
even though i still love him so much now and it kills me to see him and just be friends i would never go back to him because its so predictable what will happen in a few months.
personally say ditch him and dont look back. it will be the best decision you could make for you and your baby. (this is prob only cus of my own experience)
but like you say you cant help who you love. maybe this was a genuine mistake for him. if you truly feel in your heart that its the right choice for you then go for it.
you may regret somethings you do.....but you regret things you dont do so much more :hug:

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