My boyfriend moved out on friday- i haven't posted it on here as i've been too upset and didn't really want to remind myself of it- i just wanted to do stuff to take my mind off it! i asked him to go for a few days because we were arguing and i always promised myself i would never argue in front of Hayden no matter what! we haven't split up i just think we needed a little space to think and then we could calm down and talk nicely..i miss him soo badly i phoned him earlier and we both cried..he is coming home after work tomorrow, i think the break did us good we both missed each other and now we won't argue! i don't know if that makes sense to anyone we've never done it before but sometimes being in someones pocket can aggravate you..we'd just been away and he was off work so spent loads of time together and just got irate over silly things. i think it was for the best now i'll be happy to seem him and won't take him for granted! he took Hayden for the day yesterday round to his nans to see all his anyway point is i haven't told anyone about this and i'm only just ready to talk about it so i had to get it out..i missed him bigtime!! thats about it
phew what an essay!

phew what an essay!