think im losing my baby bean


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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well after seeing the midwife today and looking at my notes non stop!!
just been to the toilet and im bleeding not loads just when i wipe but its full on red got a little backache and pains in my stomach but thats more from bein sick!!!
im trying stay calm but i cant stop :cry::cry::cry::cry: i cant see how a happy day can turn into a day from hell :mad: i have rung nhs direct and told me to ring epu in the morning!!! dont think i cant sleep
oh honey, im sorry to here that, but dont write things off just yet, you never know. have you phoned your actual maternity hospital? i bled during my pregnancy and it was alright but it was alot later on than you are. i do have know a couple of people that bled early though. have you had a scan yet?
the people i know that bled early were both told that they might have been carying twins to start of with but they went on to have a normal healthy baby.
there could be lots of things.
i really hope everythings ok for you. fingers crossed xx
thanks i had a scan last wednesday i was one baby with a heartbeat!! its only when i wipe but its red blood. i havnt rung maternity ward as im only early on so thought i would have to speak to early preg unit.
im too scary too move out of bed just incase i bleed more x
I would phone hospital as well as epu-I don't actually know of an epu in my area and hadn't heard of them until joining here so i would of phoned my hospital x x I hope everything is ok, my best friend bled alot during her pregnancy and had a healthy baby boy x x phone them honey x x
thanks i know its common to have some bleeding but i never did with my other 2 so just think something is wrong x
i had alot of cramping/period pains but no bleeding when i was early on and i was unsure about calling in but eventually i did and i was told to call back if the pains got worse or i started bleeding but it never came to that, however the midwife i spoke to really reasurred me that i was right to call. she said that if i had any worrys then i shouldnt worry about calling in just even if it was for piece of mind.
i dont know if that helps any about you calling in but if your really worried about it then you should.

this might sound really awful but i had really bad constipation due to pregnancy and after id been to the toilet there was a blood on the tissue which scared me abit but it turned out to be nothing to do with the baby. could it maybe be anything to do with that?
I think it's natural that when we see blood when there isn't supposed to be any we automatically think it's the end but it can be really common unfortunately, I know many people who have bled and still gone on to have a healthy like the others have said don't write it off completely, get yourself checked out and rest up as much as possible. Will be thinking of you sweetheart xx
thank you both
i have just rung the maternity ward and they have taken my details so the early preg unit can ring me first thing in the morning. she did say if things got worse to go to a&e but just to rest.
thanks for listening going to try and get some sleep and pray all is well with my much loved baby bean xx
i hope you manage to get some sleep, try not to worry about it too much. i know its hard, i bled at 23 weeks after sex and there was alot of blood, to be honest the bed lookeda bit like a murder scene and i was so convinced id hurt the baby i cried all the way to the hospital. i think it was safe to say i verged on hysterical and i ended up worrying for nothing when i got to hear his little heart beat. so dont give up hope yet.
really hope its ok, got my fingers crossed for you and your wee baby bean xx
Hi hon, just seen this :(

so sorry you are going through this but hopefully it is just a random bleed- lots of people seem to get them and everything turns out fine. Did you bd or do anything strenuous that may have caused a light bleed?

Look after yourself hon and good luck for tomorrow. X
Just rest for now honey and try not to worry. My sister bled LOTS with my nephew right up to 12 wks so it's not necessarily bad news xx
good luck chick and get some well needed rest, were all thinkin of u xxx
I'm sure everything will be fine - let us know how you get on.

All the best xx
Hope all goes well tomorow, thinking of you X
thinking of you, hope everthing is better today.
How are you this morning chick? x
try not to worry hun i bled for just over 2 weeks some was light when you wiped and for a week i had like a period bleed and yesturday i saw the heartbeat and they couldn't explain why i bled but my baby is fine and i am sure yours will be to :)
morning thanks for all your kind words!! the bleeding didnt get any worse and its still only when i wipe!! its now gone a dark red/ brown!! i rung the epu and now more upset as they told me because they saw a heartbeat last week that they dont like to scan again so soon and to call back in 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait that long i will go bad!! they did say if the bleeding got worse go to a&e
Hey hon, just saw this - so glad the bleeding is no worse. Can't belive they won't scan you after bleeding! Is it worth you going for a private scan? They cost about 100 pounds in Bristol xxx

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