think im losing my baby bean

I don't have any experience of this myself but wanted to send you some :hug:like the girls have said it is a really good sign the bleeding isn't bright red and I have also heard you can have some spotting / bleeding at the time your period would've been due. Hope everything settles for you soon, try not to worry xx
Hi Louise- just saw this as havent been on. How are you doing now sweet? xx
hi pudds its still brown when i wipe but nothing more no cramps etc so i suppose thats good news and no clots or anything!!
just rung epu and i have a scan for next friday feeling alot more positive as im sure something more would have happen by now fingers crossed xx
hope so!! its def being a little pain already what with this and so much sickness!!! lol let hope he/she behaves when they pop out
thanks for all your comments and positive replies xxx
Sounds like your going to have a little mischeif maker on your hands!! I had exactly the same this pregnancy (my 2nd baby) i only had blood when i wiped, had backache but no stomach cramps and the blood turned brown within 12 hours. Had a scan at 8 wks and all was fine! I'm now 20 +3 and have just found out i'm having a girl! I was told that the bleed was an implantation bleed, when the embryo buries itself deeply into the lining of your womb which causes a bit of damage. Brown blood is old blood and just taking its time to work its way out of you. I was told by EPU that they look at a critical window of 48 hours and if something were to happen it would probably happen within 48 hours of your initial bleed. All in all i'd say it sounds promising. Good luck hun xxx
I hope everythings ok with you, im convinced our babbas like to put us through as many emotions as possible when their first settling in :) all the best and *big hug* too xxx
Just catching up with threads - hope you are ok, sorry you have had all this worry! Good luck for your scan next week :hug:

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