Things much more difficult with a bump!

Washing my feet in the shower.
Putting on socks.
Shaving my legs and my lady garden - I'm ashamed to say my lady garden needs tended to!! Its out of hand now! But in my defense, I can't bloody see it! Hubby asked me the other day if I was going to 'sort out my admin' any time soon lmao. So I better do something about it.
Getting up from a comfy position on the sofa.
Painting my toe nails.

I'm sure there's more things, but none that spring to mind right now.

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Sex is more difficult!! OH forgets that he can't lean forward without squashing me and LO!
Finding clothes that fit, especially trousers as they can be sooo uncomfy when sat down! Putting my socks on is getting harder, as is any bending down lol x

Sex! of course how could i forget that one ;) lol OH is always squishing bump i find myself having my hands over the top of my bump so that he doesn't forget!

Haha! Same! Or I have to tap him on the shoulders and point at my bump!!

EVERYTHING!!!!!!! I guess i'm one of the unlucky ones who gets nothing but pain. Ican barely walk at the moment due to one of my feet/ankle swelling up and it's agony... then there is my hips... they make it impossible to get up after being sat down for a while!

It took me nearly 15 minutes to get out of the bath yesterday lol!!!

I totally sympathise with the swollen ankle, my left one has decided to become really sore and swollen :(
Painting toes nails! That's a good one. I haven't been able to in weeks, great excuse for a pedi :) x
Oooh that's a thought - cutting my toenails. I like them really short - hmmm, that's going to be awkward very very soon!
Just impressed myself by cutting my toenails, re painting them and epilating my legs, but still struggling with shoes and socks! :confused:

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I'm going to minx my toes tonight before my tea, cause if I wait till I've eaten and try reaching I will squash the little button! Ha! Xx
Walking is more difficult! Especially as I seem to just be all bump, feels like I have a bag of potatoes stuck to my tummy! Waddle waddle! x
Providing a wee sample - impossible to do with a bump blocking my line of vision!
Providing a wee sample - impossible to do with a bump blocking my line of vision!

You just reminded me I need to do that in the morning, should be interesting! :eek:

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I'm going to minx my toes tonight before my tea, cause if I wait till I've eaten and try reaching I will squash the little button! Ha! Xx

I love minx, dead impressed you can do it yourself though x
I was a beauty therapist and Nail technician for 8 years before I gave it up and found a job I loved even more! It's normally really easy, bump is In the way tho. I ended up with a head ache so not done it yet. Love minx tho-they last ages. I'm teaching my mum to do them as this will be the last time I can reach! Boooo! Xxxx
Ooh yes I agree with just about everything on here...putting on socks, getting up from the settee, picking anything up (I just leave stuff on the floor now and OH and DS pick them up for me! lol), etc, etc, etc!

My embarrasing bump story of the week (and it's only Monday) is that I went to park my car this morning in a multi storey car park and because of the pillars on one side and the cars on the other, I literally couldn't get out as couldn't squeeze through the gaps! I had to get back in my car and move it over (which wasn't easy with what little space I was given) just so I could get out. I'm as big now as I was full term with my DS so I shudder to think just how much bigger I'm going to get in the next 9-10 weeks!
That happened to me at work a few weeks back, but someone was parked so close I couldn't even get in my car, so another lady from work moved it for me so I could go home, just glad it wasn't a public car park like you! x :eek:

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