They hate the names we've picked

You are sooo not overreacting! That was beyond rude! I like your response ie you'll have to lump it. Good for you!
FWIW I love Gracie and Sophia was one that we were thinking about. So feminine and also unusual ie not over-popular names.

I say we have a list when people ask and we can't decide (total lie because we have chosen more or less!) and if they push then I throw a few red herrings out there (names we had considered but then found ones liked more). This avoids being hurt by insensitive and rude comments. Not that anyone has done that to us...yet!!

Chin up, girl. Your names are FAB!!! xxxxx
I think there is no such thing as bad names, it's all about perception. Stick with whatever your and OH chose and don't tell anyone.
Ahh thanks so much Sunny you've really cheered me up :) I like your approach, think I will go with that when anyone else asks in future, just tell them we're undecided/or throw some false names at them! Saves lots of upset! x x
I think there is no such thing as bad names, it's all about perception. Stick with whatever your and OH chose and don't tell anyone.

thanks hon, you pf girlies are fab :) x x
Sod them all!! Scott is a nice name.. My OHs name so mil couldn't complain :lol:
We told her our chosen boy name and it did silence the room but I don't care it won't put me off! I did regret telling them though as we are having a surprise baby now so I feel the name should be a surprise too.. To fully announce our LO at birth :)
Your names are gorgeous and I absolutely LOVE Sophia! My OH and I have come up with a load of totally mad names that sound absolutely AWFUL with our surname, when people ask us what our thoughts are on names I just tell them one of these strange combinations of names (with a completely straight face) and generally people never know how to react - its hilarious! They are generally so unsure of what to do next that they don't carry on asking! Either that or they laugh and start to come up with some equally bizarre combinations which moves them away from the subject of our names!
At the the end of the day this baby belongs to you and your OH, what other people think is totally irrelevant - it's just one of those things that with the majority of names people make some sort of association (negative or positive) and then feel it necessary to tell you!
The names you have picked are lovely, it just goes to show how rude and ignorant some people can be, I remember when we told my inlaws joshua's name they turned thier noses up, it just confirmed to me yet again, how ignorant they are, x
My friends were joking they will call their son Jason Mason:)
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Your names are gorgeous and I absolutely LOVE Sophia! My OH and I have come up with a load of totally mad names that sound absolutely AWFUL with our surname, when people ask us what our thoughts are on names I just tell them one of these strange combinations of names (with a completely straight face) and generally people never know how to react - its hilarious! They are generally so unsure of what to do next that they don't carry on asking! Either that or they laugh and start to come up with some equally bizarre combinations which moves them away from the subject of our names!
At the the end of the day this baby belongs to you and your OH, what other people think is totally irrelevant - it's just one of those things that with the majority of names people make some sort of association (negative or positive) and then feel it necessary to tell you!

Great idea!! We may do that for our LO too seeing as the surname will be Thornley-Rose (or Rose depending on if he marries me before we register lol) so 'thorny rose' is funny enough on it's own lol

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