The 'we arent trying' 2ww.....

then i will worry......that m/c gonna happen again...but i have to not think like that. have to just enjoy it. what will be will be xx
Like you say you really can't think like that. Yes it could happen, but it also might not happen, chances are it won't happen again. You have to stay positive, it's the only way hunny. Plus we are all here to support you no matter what happens.

I'm sending you some baby dust anyway

this could be all in my mind...but i def have those little niggle and stretchy type feelings in my lower tummy like i had last time i had my bfp........feels a bit like when you are ovulating......but not as sharp a pain....literally feels like the stretching pains..

surely not though....

must be wind! x

Implantations...and celebrations! Sang Cliff.
tested again this morning...bfn...but i am only 8dpo.....starting to think maybe i got excited over nothing......anyway, next month would be a bit going to get loads of exercise in and then start trying next month.....we were supposed to be waiting til end of august but dont think i can! xx
okay......what do you ladies think..

Tested again with a hpt and opk just now....still getting lines on opk...not very dark but def there and no squinting required. but they are almost as dark as testing cosmics were yesterday

i happened the find an old opk from when i was testing for ov...a negative one and there si no line at all, not even a its not like these lines just automatically happen every time...

i wonder,
Im really hoping its it hun im stalking your ass lol xxx
right.......sites say that a hpt should pick up before an thats that theory out the

will keep trying with my hpts over the next few days and then we will see wont we...

back to reality now....promise :D xx
Oooh just seen this hunny, how could I of missed it, stupid taptalk.
Really hope this is for you sweetie, ive got everything crossed for you :) x x

right.......sites say that a hpt should pick up before an thats that theory out the

will keep trying with my hpts over the next few days and then we will see wont we...

back to reality now....promise :D xx

Not with princess though was it?? Remember her really dark opks leading to her bfp? x
Cherrybinky also got a positive OPK first too (I think)
oh blimey...i think thats what mine looks 8dpo xx

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