The 'we arent trying' 2ww.....

I'm officially thread stalking now Samsgirl - fx for you xxx

he he..thanks my lovely...

i 'think' i ovulated friday morning (last week) well thats when digi opk went negative...we didnt BD til saturday its very unlikely, but would be good...and thats what i mean by 'miracle' :D

i had kept him away from me the whole week runnin up to ov cos we werent supposed to be trying...suppose he will have had a LOT of spermies...ha ha xx
If all those sperms are Supersperms then you never know you're luck. I didn't expect to get my BFP this month, I was sure we didn't bd at the right time and now look.

Keep us updated please. xxx
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OOOOMMMMMGGGGG lol what are you like!! I really hope this is it - I am all over this thread like a bad suit :pompom:
Hey, Im doing ok. Up till this month (fingers crossed) I was spotting every 2 weeks so no idea where I am in a cycle. Trying opks at the mo but not sure of ov. Hoping my af properly arrives soon and actually stays for a reasonable amount of time so I can reset my cbfm for the 3rd time!!! Been 3 weeks now since spotting so Im hopeful next time will be a proper af!

Fx for you though sounds good!
Hey, Im doing ok. Up till this month (fingers crossed) I was spotting every 2 weeks so no idea where I am in a cycle. Trying opks at the mo but not sure of ov. Hoping my af properly arrives soon and actually stays for a reasonable amount of time so I can reset my cbfm for the 3rd time!!! Been 3 weeks now since spotting so Im hopeful next time will be a proper af!

Fx for you though sounds good!
and you...sounds like it's settling down a bit.......have everything crossed for you my lovely xx
I think we will be whacked in the chops with them xxxxx
whacked in the chops....ha ha...i thought they only said that in cumbria :D xx
welsh??? he he...cumbria is in northern england, just below scotland ;) ha ha xx
this could be all in my mind...but i def have those little niggle and stretchy type feelings in my lower tummy like i had last time i had my bfp........feels a bit like when you are ovulating......but not as sharp a pain....literally feels like the stretching pains..

surely not though....

must be wind! x
Maybe a little too early to test, you might just have to be patient. :lol:
yeah.......i was about 10dpo last time i got a bfp i think xx
couple more days then, just stay with the symptom spotting and i'll keep fx for you. Then you can join me and the others in Tri1. xxx

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