The silly questions thread...

Buy a plastic jug and everytime you wee after giving birth pour warm water over your bits and it dilutes the pee and stops the sting. I had a second degree tear and graze and it made it much more comfortable for me to wee - and it helps keep your stitches clean at the same time!

Great advice!!

Another tip I found helps with the stinging was to lean forward on the loo, put your hands on the floor if you can - I had no joy wit the water - but I had grazes, so possibly in a different place. Xxx

A mini workout as well, will have toned muscles as well as non stinging wee trips - love it!

Lmao!! I love how u just made stingy wee a positive thing xx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
ok another question, ive never suffered from flaky scpal before but since i got pregnant its driving me up the wall, is it normal? also does hair grow faster, im finding im having to shave (legs) more often ?

It's an old wives tale that if your hair especially that on your legs grows faster during pregnancy then your having a boy,
I have very thick hair (on my head) and it definitely gets thicker- proper wild -while I'm pregnant.xx
ok another question, ive never suffered from flaky scpal before but since i got pregnant its driving me up the wall, is it normal? also does hair grow faster, im finding im having to shave (legs) more often ?

It's an old wives tale that if your hair especially that on your legs grows faster during pregnancy then your having a boy,
I have very thick hair (on my head) and it definitely gets thicker- proper wild -while I'm pregnant.xx

100% true im a gorilla and having a boy so this must be true!! Never been pregnant with a girl though LMFAO!!!!

from mi fone
Do you get to keep your green notes after birth? Was just thinking they would be nice to keep as I have my mums notes from when she had me x
[/QUOTE]It's an old wives tale that if your hair especially that on your legs grows faster during pregnancy then your having a boy,
I have very thick hair (on my head) and it definitely gets thicker- proper wild -while I'm pregnant.xx[/QUOTE]

Definately just an old wives tale. The hair on my legs all but stopped growing when i had sam xxx

My piece of shit galaxy ace
Do you get to keep your green notes after birth? Was just thinking they would be nice to keep as I have my mums notes from when she had me x

No I asked. I think you can request a copy and pay for them

If you need to get cut (sorry can't remember the proper name) when you are giving birth, where exactly do they cut you? And does it sting to pee after giving birth whether you needed the cut or not (I'd imagine so) xxxx

It is called episiotomy and it seems to vary where they cut you I think. I was cut at the side towards my bum. Yes it stings like hell when you pee. I didnt have one with my second just a small graze no stitches and that still stung.
Sorry for being blunt

Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk

Oh Jesus. Well, I'd rather be prepared lol! Thank u xxxx

I found with my episiotomy, when i went to the loo, if i lent really far forward like hands touching the floor nearly (and looking like a complete twat) then the pee didnt go near the cut therefore didnt sting :) just a suggestion :lol:

Buy a plastic jug and everytime you wee after giving birth pour warm water over your bits and it dilutes the pee and stops the sting. I had a second degree tear and graze and it made it much more comfortable for me to wee - and it helps keep your stitches clean at the same time!

Great advice!!

Another tip I found helps with the stinging was to lean forward on the loo, put your hands on the floor if you can - I had no joy wit the water - but I had grazes, so possibly in a different place. Xxx

haha, i should have read the complete thread before i posted...but i'm soooo glad its not just me that thought this was a good method :lol: xx
Is there anything I can do to get my little monster to get out of breach in the next 7 weeks before she is due.
Is there anything I can do to get my little monster to get out of breach in the next 7 weeks before she is due.

Go on all fours, put your hands on the floor and rest your head on your hands with your bum in the air. Alternate between this and on all fours letting your ab muscles relax. Breathe in and out while you're doing it and tuck your chin to your chest.

From the hypnobirthing class I'm doing!! xx
My cousins baby was breech up until a couple of weeks before birth. Her midwife told her to crawl about on all fours for a few minutes every day. It worked or her!
Buy a plastic jug and everytime you wee after giving birth pour warm water over your bits and it dilutes the pee and stops the sting. I had a second degree tear and graze and it made it much more comfortable for me to wee - and it helps keep your stitches clean at the same time!

Great advice!!

Another tip I found helps with the stinging was to lean forward on the loo, put your hands on the floor if you can - I had no joy wit the water - but I had grazes, so possibly in a different place. Xxx

haha, i should have read the complete thread before i posted...but i'm soooo glad its not just me that thought this was a good method :lol: xx

My mum told me to try it. lol xxx
Tell me more about these up-the-bum painkillers I've heard about!! xxx
Is it possible that I'm not as far gone as thought, calculations have said I'm 5 weeks and 5 days today yesterday had internal and external scans on internal the lady said she could only see the sac, and said that she should really be able to see more than that at least the yolk sac as well, so they took blood and came back hcg levels at 1952? xx
Is it possible that I'm not as far gone as thought, calculations have said I'm 5 weeks and 5 days today yesterday had internal and external scans on internal the lady said she could only see the sac, and said that she should really be able to see more than that at least the yolk sac as well, so they took blood and came back hcg levels at 1952? xx

I'm no expert and know nothing about hcg levels, but its difficult for them to give you a definate date until the first scan. I thought I knew my dates but I got put back a week at my first scan and its stayed that date ever since. Are you due any more scans?
Is there an actual difference between newborn clothes size and 0-3 months size? I thought 0-3 would be good for new born but maybe not?
Yes and no. you'd be surprised how big 0-3 can be on a newborn but Tyler is in 3/6 months and can still wear some 0-3 vests

Is there an actual difference between newborn clothes size and 0-3 months size? I thought 0-3 would be good for new born but maybe not?

Everyone told me not to buy newborn - but most of the 0-3 stuff still drowns georgia at over 2months and i wouldnt have said she was tiny. xxx

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