The riots

It's not far off being too close round here......... Right now, it's not possible to drive down to OH's parents due to the road closures.
I'm saying black get more hassle then white. My partner never wear hoodie, he look smart, n yes, he gets stoped, none of my white friends have ever been randomly stoped. A policecar followed us driving from his town to mine, he stoped outside mine to drop me of, thepolice car stoped next to us asking him what his buissnies in that area was. He's been stoped many times n have to prove the car is his. His African friends got the same stories, his white friends don't. If your not black, you got no right to say they never get treated diferent, u can't possiblebly know. I don't speak about every single policeman, but generally.

I still find that so hard to believe :/
Here, if you're a 'boy racer', wearing a hoodie, standing on street corners late at night, with a gang, with a can of fosters in your hand, etc you'll get watched and searched.

You always see on those Police programmes, boys in cars being followed because most of the time they're carrying drugs or are carrying stolen goods.
Ok now we will never know what happened in the original incident. Say the bloke did get shot without shooting first is this a reason to start setting fire to innocent people's cars, businesses, homes?
The answer is NO
I am sorry but we all get the crap end of the racism stick at some point.

I never said its a reason to.behave like ppl do, I.said the opposite, ppl use it as an excuse n its disguasting.

I am not saying you are saying it's the reason hun, i just dont think it matters with these riots, there are lots of races out there by the looks of it tbh
Ok now we will never know what happened in the original incident. Say the bloke did get shot without shooting first is this a reason to start setting fire to innocent people's cars, businesses, homes?
The answer is NO
I am sorry but we all get the crap end of the racism stick at some point.

This is always the case.
I feel strongly as well because it upsets me when people think police are against them because of skin colour. That was history, I wish it would just be left alone and forgotten.
I'm saying black get more hassle then white. My partner never wear hoodie, he look smart, n yes, he gets stoped, none of my white friends have ever been randomly stoped. A policecar followed us driving from his town to mine, he stoped outside mine to drop me of, thepolice car stoped next to us asking him what his buissnies in that area was. He's been stoped many times n have to prove the car is his. His African friends got the same stories, his white friends don't. If your not black, you got no right to say they never get treated diferent, u can't possiblebly know. I don't speak about every single policeman, but generally.

I still find that so hard to believe :/
Here, if you're a 'boy racer', wearing a hoodie, standing on street corners late at night, with a gang, with a can of fosters in your hand, etc you'll get watched and searched.

You always see on those Police programmes, boys in cars being followed because most of the time they're carrying drugs or are carrying stolen goods.[/QU

Tv is hardly the real world. It's hard to belive cuz its nasty n unfair. I never thought diferent about black ppl so it was a shock when I got with oh n I realised how black ppl get treated diferently from many in the society.
I'm in South London but in a fairly nice area so am feeling fairly safe at the moment. Unfortunately these 'disaffected' people are attacking their own communities which will only make their areas more unpleasant to live in and property prices to dip. If they had an issue with 'the system' then why not attack more affluent areas? Why ruin their own communities? It shows their ignorance in my opinion.

I am not suggesting of course that they have any justification at all - the people involved are beyond contempt.
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In London there are so many different races, that's what makes it a great place.

I don't think this is about race, it's about ignorance and stupid scumbags that want to shit on their own doorstop. It's shameful. I'm so disgusted by it all. I've got friends and family in London and Essex and it's totally awful.

Pos - glad you're ok hun :hug:

Annie, that's exactly what I said to my dad, they only destroy for them self.
Again, Annie I don't feel this is protesting.
I think this is about nicking a new carpet from carpet right ;)

I quote from Twitter, "To be 'a protestor' you need to be 'protesting'. The official term for someone who 'steals things and burns s***' is 'a :censored:'"
Im waiting for the 10oclock news to come on (Ive lost my remote...think I might have thrown in away in a mass clear up :blush: )

There really is not justification. They're obviously so narrow minded they cannot see the effect they're having on the country as a whole...just for the sake of a new fecking tv or pair of trainers!
I just hope that none of our PF members are in any danger because of this :(
I just hope that none of our PF members are in any danger because of this :(

Same here. It's not fair that innocent people come into harm like this.

Watching BBC News at the moment, the fires are horrific :( Totally out of control causing so much damage.
Well now its in ilford its getting closer, still a little way from me.
No hon, sorry I wasn't saying they were protesting - I think they are demonstrating their 'disaffected' disposition by stealing what they can't afford and smashing up shops to take out their frustration. My point was that if they are going to do that, why are they doing it 'on their own turf'?
I think, unfotunately, there are a lot of people out there who do not respect the law and other citizens and they mean that stereotypes are formed about people. As always the story of "the few ruining it for the many". I wish it wasnt like this, I wish we could all think of ourselves as British and be proud to live together in a proud and happy country.

I quite agree xx

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Im sorry...but the PM has decided to cut his holiday short and come back to London. :wall: He should have come back before now! Apparently he's been kept up to date he just went oooo ok, riots everywhere and building, cars on fire, people injured, no signs of it stopping...ok....just let me sunbathe for another hour then update me again.

Its a joke.

Cant believe croydon.
Oh right :lol:
Yep and that's exactly what's happening, It's always the case!
I say they all make some pretty banners and sit in a big circle and chant like nice little protesters.

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