The riots

The whole thing is disgusting - I guarantee you that the vast majority of these people are just looser thugs who are so uneducated and selfish that they believe they are fighting for a just cause and are entitled to loot like this. Absolute scum.

I feel sorry for the poor sods that work in the shops being attacked, for the small shop owners and for you and me who will have to pay for what these selfish, selfish people are doing.

I think ppl that destroy n steal only use this riot as an excuse, it got nothing ti do with what the real problem was. It's extreamly sad n stupid n disguSting.
These people obviously don't care about their country. This is exactly the reason I plan to leave eventually. I understand every country has its problems but it seems people here have less and less to be prou of their country and it seems its going downhill quickly. I feel like each month is a different reason to riot (or at least it seems someone will find a reason to kick one off).

I don't believe the police would shoot a man for no reason. They obviously feared for themselves in one way or another. But then, look at the guy that was shot in brixton after the 7/7 bombings. He was shot for no reason other than he ran. so I guess noone will ever be sure :(
Fire in croydon now too :(

tbh its embarrassing!! We are supposed to hosting the olympics next year and its just an embarrassment that people are frightening normal people to stay in their homes just they can steal!!!!!!!
I don't think they shot for no reason either, but I think it went wrong n he got killed. It must be an extreamly hard situation but in my eyes, police can not kill ppl, they have to shot so the person only get harmed. Even if its in a situation where they have to use selfdefence.
You're clearly not seeing my point.
You said that police hassle the black community, I'm saying that is not the case at all, it's all about 'the hard-man' look. Raoul Moat and Mark Duggan both carried that look and both carried guns - both died, both had shoot-outs with the police. Although the police are adamant Raoul Moat killed himself, and a lot of people are adamant Mark Duggan didn't start the shoot-out. We'll never know but we do know they were seen as a danger. I'm saying that If you wear a hoodie and walk around the streets, or a gang of chavs walk around the streets, you'll get watched and people will be wary of you, doesn't matter about your skin colour. You're telling me that a well-dressed African man would get hassled by the police?
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tbh its embarrassing!! We are supposed to hosting the olympics next year and its just an embarrassment that people are frightening normal people to stay in their homes just they can steal!!!!!!!

So True!
I think the police get a hard rap in my opinion. They get alot of crap thrown at them and they still continue to help people and continue with their jobs. Faced with a man and a gun in a confined space such as a car I cannot imagine the things running through your mind and I dont think we'll ever know what happened.

All this makes me so angry.
My step mum drives the buses in south you think they would have stopped them?? surely they would ? x
You have to remember that the police are there to guard the safety of the general public and if a gun is involved then everything happens very quickly and people have to react on instinct and training, even the police are human and they are doing a very hard job under very hard circumstances. I very much hope that no more people are injured in these awful events and that they do not spread any further.
I'm saying black get more hassle then white. My partner never wear hoodie, he look smart, n yes, he gets stoped, none of my white friends have ever been randomly stoped. A policecar followed us driving from his town to mine, he stoped outside mine to drop me of, thepolice car stoped next to us asking him what his buissnies in that area was. He's been stoped many times n have to prove the car is his. His African friends got the same stories, his white friends don't. If your not black, you got no right to say they never get treated diferent, u can't possiblebly know. I don't speak about every single policeman, but generally.
i live in south london, feeling pretty scared right now but more than anything i'm devastated and truly sad that this is happening to my home city :cry:

my opinion - no excuses - end of! and i'd like to add i live in south london, i went to south london schools with these people and i grew up on the same council estates, go to the same clubs, meet these people everyday - its all just ugly criminal behaviour and there is literally NO EXCUSE!
Ok now we will never know what happened in the original incident. Say the bloke did get shot without shooting first is this a reason to start setting fire to innocent people's cars, businesses, homes?
The answer is NO
I am sorry but we all get the crap end of the racism stick at some point.
So the answer is yes, well dressed man from Africa Does aswell get stoped n questioned. Suprise suprise
My step mum drives the buses in south you think they would have stopped them?? surely they would ? x

no they havent hun, only some in peckham and some in haringey xx

Ive just spoken to her....shes at home tonight thank god...

Im from South croydon myself and seeing all the updates from my's really sad...Reeves corner has just gone up in flames :( xx
Ok now we will never know what happened in the original incident. Say the bloke did get shot without shooting first is this a reason to start setting fire to innocent people's cars, businesses, homes?
The answer is NO
I am sorry but we all get the crap end of the racism stick at some point.

I never said its a reason to.behave like ppl do, I.said the opposite, ppl use it as an excuse n its disguasting.
I'm saying black get more hassle then white. My partner never wear hoodie, he look smart, n yes, he gets stoped, none of my white friends have ever been randomly stoped. A policecar followed us driving from his town to mine, he stoped outside mine to drop me of, thepolice car stoped next to us asking him what his buissnies in that area was. He's been stoped many times n have to prove the car is his. His African friends got the same stories, his white friends don't. If your not black, you got no right to say they never get treated diferent, u can't possiblebly know. I don't speak about every single policeman, but generally.

i know white men between the age of 16-25 who this happens to!
I'm saying black get more hassle then white. My partner never wear hoodie, he look smart, n yes, he gets stoped, none of my white friends have ever been randomly stoped. A policecar followed us driving from his town to mine, he stoped outside mine to drop me of, thepolice car stoped next to us asking him what his buissnies in that area was. He's been stoped many times n have to prove the car is his. His African friends got the same stories, his white friends don't. If your not black, you got no right to say they never get treated diferent, u can't possiblebly know. I don't speak about every single policeman, but generally.

i know white men between the age of 16-25 who this happens to!

Fair enough, I don't. My oh n his friends are 34+, if age matters.
I think, unfotunately, there are a lot of people out there who do not respect the law and other citizens and they mean that stereotypes are formed about people. As always the story of "the few ruining it for the many". I wish it wasnt like this, I wish we could all think of ourselves as British and be proud to live together in a proud and happy country.
Its just beyond ignorant, at what point does standing up for what you believe in (and i use that term loosley) constitute putting the lives of innocent people in danger and destroying their livelihood???

If you asked people who were rioting right now, what exactley they where rioting about, 99% wouldnt be able to give you a decent answer other than "cos everyone else is"

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