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What age is it boys can go in to the ladies loo till????

my brother is 11 and ild never take him in the ladies with me, infact he wouldnt come in with me.

my other brother is 5, he still comes in with me though :angel:
beanie said:
Instead Seren will be told not to talk to starngers, that if a secret makes her feel scared or sad then she must tell someone, etc.

not to sound offensive but if a 40 year old man wanted to rape a 5 year old that 5 year old has no chance of getting away. and after its happend it doesnt matter if she doesnt like it because shes going to have to live with it for the rest of her life. some peado's dont "groom" kids, they just follow them for a few minutes until there alone then rape them. Its a shame some people are so nieve. :wall:

I had a guy trying to get me into porn when i was 12 and i called the police but it was too late he had already got a load of other girls into it. (some were only about 6) The police labeld him as "highly dangerous" and i think he got 5 years. Hes out of prison now...if felt so good knowing id put one away and saved some girls lives...but now i feel like the whole world is letting these sick people walk all over us!!

My mum didnt agree with it either until this happend. But i cant even walk down the street with out wondering if any ones watching me! my life is ruiend and im one of the lucky ones
jenna said:
beanie said:
Instead Seren will be told not to talk to starngers, that if a secret makes her feel scared or sad then she must tell someone, etc.

not to sound offensive but if a 40 year old man wanted to rape a 5 year old that 5 year old has no chance of getting away. and after its happend it doesnt matter if she doesnt like it because shes going to have to live with it for the rest of her life. some peado's dont "groom" kids, they just follow them for a few minutes until there alone then rape them. Its a shame some people are so nieve. :wall:

I work with sex offenders so not being niave at all thank you. I would be being niave if I thought that it wasn't going to happen to my baby, I would be niave is I thought that just because someone is not on a register it makes them ok. I am aware that not all paedophiles groom their victims. If that situation was to happen to my daughter, knowing that there were paedophiles living in my area wuld not really prevent it either, instead I assume that everyone out there is a danger to my daughter and I will not let her play out on her own till she is of an appropraite age etc. I know that as a parent I am not always going to be able to protect my daughter but I can only teach her what I can and then pray to god she does not end up like some of the harrowing stories I have to hear about and listen to.
beanie said:
I work with sex offenders so not being niave at all thank you.

That doesnt sound in the least bit angry.

Every one has a right to there opinion and in fact some people are nieve. I wasnt aiming it at you and if you think i was that your problem.

I dont think people should have to hide there kids from the world. I want my kids to be able to play in the garden with out some old guy watching them and being turned on! A 12 year old should be able to do there home work with out being groomed!

I know the guy that tried grooming me had 2 kids and wife that didnt have a clue what he was doing. (well maybe his wife didnt) and if i didnt say anything he would have got a lot more kids than he did. I dont really think a strong arguement against this would even change my mind. I dont have an "opinion", my life is practically based on what that guy did to me. Im a whole new person, im nothing like i used to be.

I dont really think having a go at me because i stated a fact is very mature either.A lot of people are nieve to this, if they werent kids wouldnt be successfully groomed!! Iv been though a lot and im still strong enough to talk about what happend and im finally at a stage where im not ashamed to tell people any more. THANK YOU
Woh, in no way was I "having a go". Just putting my side like you put yours. I presumed you were calling me niave as you had quoted me then said the niave comment, I apologise for that but in no way was I attacking you ok or answering in an angry way. I am not being immature attacking you as that was not what my post said. I was just saying that as a parewnt I understand that I cannot akways protect my child but I will do what I can.
Beanie I don't know how u can work with them after having a little girl. Strong woman.

Seeing Rebecca and how innocent she is, and to think of anyone hurting her, I would do time for them.

Not being rude, but when I change a nappy and see her little flower (of fairy as Dionne would say) I can only think what phsical damage would be done to her if someone "raped" her. She would be torn back to front.

Sick, and we should have the death penalty over here for crimes like that.

What about poor Holly and Jessica? That's rehabilitation for u! :twisted:
i said "Its a shame some people are so nieve." some not you. I dont mean to sound snappy. I just hate people who think that there opinion is FACT and no one can have an opinion, im not saying you are. But it just sounded to me in your comment like you were saying "i work with them so your wrong"

no one understands what i mean anyway. I dont mean to attack people. I just get so mad when i write/think about all this and it just doesnt come out right, and i get offended by the slightest thing because i have had people say that if some one is raped (of any age) it is there own fault.
jenna said:
i said "Its a shame some people are so nieve." some not you. I dont mean to sound snappy. I just hate people who think that there opinion is FACT and no one can have an opinion, im not saying you are. But it just sounded to me in your comment like you were saying "i work with them so your wrong"

no one understands what i mean anyway. I dont mean to attack people. I just get so mad when i write/think about all this and it just doesnt come out right, and i get offended by the slightest thing because i have had people say that if some one is raped (of any age) it is there own fault.

Fair enough, and like I said I misunderstood your comment and thought it was directed at me. I don't think that it is ever anyone's fault if they are raped or attacked, the perpetrator made that choice and they have the full responsibility not the victim. It makes me angry when you get them saying the child had made them do it, WTF, how can a child do that.
jenna said:
i said "Its a shame some people are so nieve." some not you. I dont mean to sound snappy. I just hate people who think that there opinion is FACT and no one can have an opinion, im not saying you are. But it just sounded to me in your comment like you were saying "i work with them so your wrong"

no one understands what i mean anyway. I dont mean to attack people. I just get so mad when i write/think about all this and it just doesnt come out right, and i get offended by the slightest thing because i have had people say that if some one is raped (of any age) it is there own fault.

I didnt see at any stage anyone who has posted on this topic think that their opinion was FACT and everyone elses were wrong at all.

I agree people should know, but i also agree that if people dont want to know than they should be entitled to that and also that it wont really make much difference if you knew because there could be other people that havnt been convicted yet.

To be fair you did say that "everyone who thinks no is a pedo" ...that was a tad below the belt because the people that put no had reasons and bloody good and valid ones..and i doubt very much that they are pedo's!!!
sorry i have just notticed this thread.

Did any of you see or hear on the news/radio that in slight cases that sex offenders are high up ie: doctors, dentists, surgeons and so on. On the news they were sayingbecause these people are so high up most of them will have credit cards and will use them to pay to get into sick sites, Yesterday the goverment im sure said that banks will now have full access and power to remove cards from them to help prevent this situation any further. (not sure if it will help much because its not going to make them stop.)

We have a knowing sex offender 2 streets away from us he is 59 and teh school is at the bottom of my street. You see him lloytering around at the corner every day at 3.30pm justwhen the high school bus is about to arrive. Hes lived here for a year now and hasnt re offended but its still scares me knowing hes so close to a school personally i think that is asking for trouble.

I do understand some people views from the public when they say some cases its the girls whos asking for it im sorry but i feel strongly about this when you see 14 yr olds getting into night clubs with hardly anything on and chatting up guys to buy them drinks and stuff and they lead teh guys on and the guy will then try it on too. Then they discover what they are dealing with and say no!! Ok im not sticking up for these sick people its all wrong and i personally think teenage girls shouldnt even be thinking about going into night clubs.

On a differnt matter so many young girls are being spiked aswell wich is frightening. Im very protective of my girls and wont allow adele in teh garden toplay unless im with her wich no one should have to do at all.
sorry im rambling onso much just felt i had to get my opinion out too and i strongly agree that everyone should have the right to know who and where they live.

sorry if ive offended anyone or no one likes my thoughtson the matter but just felt had to get my opinion out too,

take care all

p.s what does nieve mean ima bit thick :? :oops:

Yes definetly being someone who was sexually assulted as a child it scares me i would wanna know.

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