sorry i have just notticed this thread.
Did any of you see or hear on the news/radio that in slight cases that sex offenders are high up ie: doctors, dentists, surgeons and so on. On the news they were sayingbecause these people are so high up most of them will have credit cards and will use them to pay to get into sick sites, Yesterday the goverment im sure said that banks will now have full access and power to remove cards from them to help prevent this situation any further. (not sure if it will help much because its not going to make them stop.)
We have a knowing sex offender 2 streets away from us he is 59 and teh school is at the bottom of my street. You see him lloytering around at the corner every day at 3.30pm justwhen the high school bus is about to arrive. Hes lived here for a year now and hasnt re offended but its still scares me knowing hes so close to a school personally i think that is asking for trouble.
I do understand some people views from the public when they say some cases its the girls whos asking for it im sorry but i feel strongly about this when you see 14 yr olds getting into night clubs with hardly anything on and chatting up guys to buy them drinks and stuff and they lead teh guys on and the guy will then try it on too. Then they discover what they are dealing with and say no!! Ok im not sticking up for these sick people its all wrong and i personally think teenage girls shouldnt even be thinking about going into night clubs.
On a differnt matter so many young girls are being spiked aswell wich is frightening. Im very protective of my girls and wont allow adele in teh garden toplay unless im with her wich no one should have to do at all.
sorry im rambling onso much just felt i had to get my opinion out too and i strongly agree that everyone should have the right to know who and where they live.
sorry if ive offended anyone or no one likes my thoughtson the matter but just felt had to get my opinion out too,
take care all
p.s what does nieve mean ima bit thick