The REAL reason for my prolonged bleeding?????? *UPDATED*


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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I had quite a disturbing thing happen yesterday.... I went to the toilet and felt something pass from my vagina, I fished it back out of the toilet (sorry I had to know what it was) and it was a lump of something about 3cm in diameter and 1-1.5 cm thick.... it was smooth on one side and had a ruffled appearance on the other..... At first I thought it may have been part of a tampon that may have broken away, but I did a little dissection and realised it was my placenta!!!!!!! 15 AND A HALF WEEKS AFTER MY D&C!!!!!!!! I have taken it to the GP who is sending it off for confirmation..... but in my mind I am sure... It had a sponge like appearance inside like it had blood vessels in it!!! I even cut a tampon open to check they hadn't started putting sponges in the middle of them. They haven't.....

I'm still quite shocked, but if what i believe is true, I am going to ask for an investigation as to how it was missed during my D&C!!!!!!! I knew that something has been wrong, people don't bleed like that for no reason!!!!

Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that!!!

You should also ask them to check there is no more of it left in there :shock:
Oh how distressing for you - hope you're okay and make sure they check you over :hug:
Oh my goodness thats a terrible thing that has just happened to u i do hope ur ok.
Oh hun sorry to hear that although in a way I am glad that you have an answer to things as I know its been really hard for you recently as you were still bleeding.

Hope your ok and we can catch up soon hun. Drop me a PM or email when your arround and we can have a chat! xxx
Oh my gosh, how could they have missed that. Thats shocking.
Aww honey, it sounds as though you are having a really tough time with the effects of your mc are still going on. You have been through so much in the past few months.
Take care of yourself, I hope the bleeding stops properly and you can have a break.
Thinking of you :hug: :hug:
Tick-Tock said:
I had quite a disturbing thing happen yesterday.... I went to the toilet and felt something pass from my vagina, I fished it back out of the toilet (sorry I had to know what it was) and it was a lump of something about 3cm in diameter and 1-1.5 cm thick.... it was smooth on one side and had a ruffled appearance on the other..... At first I thought it may have been part of a tampon that may have broken away, but I did a little dissection and realised it was my placenta!!!!!!! 15 AND A HALF WEEKS AFTER MY D&C!!!!!!!! I have taken it to the GP who is sending it off for confirmation..... but in my mind I am sure... It had a sponge like appearance inside like it had blood vessels in it!!! I even cut a tampon open to check they hadn't started putting sponges in the middle of them. They haven't.....

I'm still quite shocked, but if what i believe is true, I am going to ask for an investigation as to how it was missed during my D&C!!!!!!! I knew that something has been wrong, people don't bleed like that for no reason!!!!


what a scary unpleasants thing to happen. you should make sure they have you in ASAP to be checked over and reassured that it won't happen again.

OMG hun thats really bad i do hope you get some answers. That should not have been missed.

I hope your ok hun and give me a shout if you need me or anything anytime.

Thinking of you :hug: :hug:
My god that must have been horrible thing to experience

Hope you are ok

:hug: :hug:
Thanks for all your replies. To be honest I was lucky I had been taking advantage of the fact I knew I wasn't PG and enjoying our annual beer festival.. I was a bit tiddly when it all happened and so it was all a bit surreal...... It is now a bit of a case of "you've got to laugh....." I can't believe how unlucky I have been since I found out I was PG.... when I got the +ve test i thought I was the luckiest person in the world as I was really broody but knew that OH wasn't..... and that I fell PG accidently was the only it was going to happen within the near future............ However, he is amazed how quickly he got used to the idea.... so, to look at the silver lining, we are trying again now... a number of years early!!!!!!

I think that's why I'm not distressed about the placenta being missed, more angry... if they'd have done the D&C properly i may have been pregnant again by now..... that's the bas***d...... not even to mention, I could have been dead!!!! someone told me about some woman recently that died because some tissue was left behind after her M/C... does anyone know the details of that because I may want to mention that in my complaint to my health trust.

Good luck with your complaint hun, its terrible it wasnt spotted it really is. Hope you are ok, if u wanna talk or vent then give me a shout! X
Sorry to hear about that - must have been quite a shock. I have to say, having just had a D&C myself, I was clearly informed as part of the consent procedure and which was also documented, that a potential complication is that all the products might not be removed. Just one of those things unfortunately apparently. And to be honest, my bigger worry was over-zealous suction and scraping which could have perforated the uterus. Good luck, and I hope you recover well now.
OMG :shock: Poor you... i hope this means your on the road to recovery...and a BFP now soon! ! BUT i thought in this day and age they would be better at D&C's and more able to detect some tissue left behind..... especially after prolonged bleeding.... :x

I had a similar experience 17 years ago when my son was born.... The after birth wouldn't come away, so i had to have a "manual removal"...TMI... the doctor put her hand in ( felt like her whole arm) and pulled it out.... the staff counted it and i was given an injection to stop the bleeding....
6 weeks later I was still bleeding.. :roll:
went to GP for routine check and he said some tissue was still there, "quote" quite a large amount..... he called an ambulance there and then and i was transported to the hospital, straight into theatre and removed his dead twin sister....... they left her inside...... I mean for god sakes... don't they read noted? ? ? they knew she had stopped growing around 16weeks.. they made the choice to leave her inside until the WHY didn't they remove her?
My GP said I was luck as I could have developed blood poison... and got an infection......
I got a D&C properly and felt sooooo much better, bleeding stopped within a few days and i got energy levels back i forgot I had...

I wish you well with your complaint, I too was told it was one of those 'unfortunate oversights' But I think making noise can only help make the medical profession try harder to get it right "first time"

Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Just to update you all. I have had the histology results back from my GP and the tissue I passed has been identified as "necrotic tissue cantaining residual products of conception"....... so it looks like I was right about what I thought it was....

I will be putting in a complaint to my primary health care trust, I understand how things can be missed, but the fact that this seemed to be an intact placenta not just a piece... it was an intact disc shape..... seems unbeliveable. Also, something I had forgotten but my OH mentioned as soon as I realised what I had passed. During the pre-surgical consultation I described the history of the miscarriage, and I told them about the previous medical mangement and prolonged bleeding. I was then asked if I could have passed the “product”. I replied that I hadn’t noticed it pass but there had been a lot of clots and it could have passed without me realizing. One of the surgery team then announced that the procedure was “probably a waste of time” and “there probably wasn’t anything there”. I was quite upset by this as I now felt that I may be wasting everybody’s time, and that I may be undergoing anaesthetic unnecessarily, an experience that I was very anxious about anyway after an adverse reaction as a child. They were also running very late on the surgical schedule and I was last on the list..... makes me wonder whether they actually did anything!!!!!!!!

I'm normally an optimist but I'm really "glass is half empty" at the moment.....
Oh Tick Tock :shock: :cry: what b*st*rds they were. At least now hopefully your body will settle down.

Has the bleeding stopped? Could you request a scan to make sure all is as it should be?

Best wishes and sending you the vibes :hug:

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