I really need to ask a question...


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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A few years ago I experienced, what i look back on now, may have been a miscarriage. Perhaps if i explain you can tell me your views. It started at night with pains in my stomach which gradually got worse to the point of excruciating. I was curled up on the floor crying and holding my stomach in agony. Eventually, i dont know why, i decided to go to the toilet and I released a lot of blood. An unusual amount of blood with clots and stuff. I noticed something in the toilet and fished it out (sorry if TMI) and i can only describe it as like toughish skin, it was a little stretchy and about 2 inches approx in length and maybe an inch wide. I thought maybe it was some sort of lining of my womb at the time. Within an hour the pain had subsided and i was just left a bit tender but pain free. I didnt know if or when my period was due, i never charted or even knew which week i was due AF!!! I was having unprotected sex at the time but have no idea what cycle days I was on. I tried to forget about it after that and push it to the back of my mind but i have always wondered if it was a miscarriage? I hope it wasnt but i cant find any other explanation as my periods just dont release blood in that volume and all at once. I cant remember if i bled the following days after that it was such a long time ago. What do you think girls? :(
that sounds like a miscarriage and what you passed sounds like the womb lining. :hug: :hug:
Oh right.... For some reason i find it hard to accept. I keep thinking maybe there might be another explanation. I dont suppose anyone actually thinks they will have to ever experience this happening. Will this affect my chances of TTC? I had an ultrasound at the fertility clinic recently and i had told them there was a possibility i might have MC about 5 years ago but he never said anything was left or wrong whilst checking my ovaries. :?
Hi it does sound like what you experienced is a miscarriage, a miscarriage should not affect your fertility, i was told after my first miscarriage that you are more fertile after a miscarriage.....i fell pregnant again very quickly but ive had another miscarriage. :hug:
xxsammyxx, what you described is what I think I experienced in 2006. The only thing that differs is the size of the clot that came out of me. It was much smaller, but seeing I didn't know what it was I just flushed it down the toilet. If this was a m/c then I've had two instead of one :cry: :cry: :cry:
Well the clots were not big at all really (blood) but there was this piece of skin, i dont know maybe 1.5/2 inches long, not 100% sure as it was 4/5 years ago so cant remember exactly. I feel a bit sad this has happened but i know it was for the best at the time as it was with an ex boyfriend and HE was not stable let alone US! :roll:
Sorry but it was a mc....I had same and wasnt sure. Unfortunately a few yrs later it happened again, so I took it docs and he said it isnt normal and was placental tissue. Can look red or pale or bluish....if its not blood its a mc basically. Sorry if TMI but was told that if you run it under the tap you can tell diff as a blood clot will break up and placental tissue wont. Sorry bout ur loss X
Hi,I actually inspected it and it was like a bloody skin coloured and toughish like skin. I always blocked it out of my mind and never discussed it until the fertility doc asked if i had ever miscarried. I said i didnt know and described what had happened. I dont know what he wrote down and for some reason i didnt ask :( I dont know why but i dont seem to be able to believe it for some reason, although in my heart of hearts i know its most probably true. I suppose you just never think it will happen to you...

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