The most random/weird question you were asked?

The funniest I heard (though apparently it's a mandatory question) was from the midwife at my booking in appt... Are me and the baby's father related! I sat there in shock for about an hour. Wasn't expecting that one!!

They really do have to ask, in the area where I did my mw training there are communities where this is really common.

I sat in on at least three appointments where the parents to be were cousins and other family members were married to each other too, and yes it had caused genetic/developmental problems in the child.
Not really a question but one of the mums from my daughters school, she's the same age as me (27) when she found out I was expecting she said - OMG you must be crazy, I think your off ur f**king nut, going through all that again. I was gobsmacked, she had a bad experience coz of her kids dad but that doesn't mean that I had a bad experience or that the next one will be bad.

And when I was pregnant with my 1st my little brother (who was 5 at the time) said....I want you to have a baby boy, but if you have a girl can you send it back and get a dog instead looooool - kids are so funny.
Ive been asked on a number of occasions who the father is!!! Admittly I was only going with my OH over a month when we got pregnant, but everyone knows how in love we are. I was in a relationship with DD father for over 8 years and we'd be finished 2 years when I met my OH, and Id only had one boyfriend a year before so not like Ive had stacks of boyfriends!! and although it was a surprise we're both really happy. One women (bitch more like) even said 'Oh I bet you hes not to happy about that!' my OH flipped out and said he couldnt be more happier!! xxx
i think the funniest is when people ask for my title and name i say Mrs (divorce not through yet) and then they ask about my husband and to call him in for scans... i reply oh no thats my boyfriend.

I dont see the need to explain my situation to anyone.

i was asked by my Dr if i was sexually active!! helllooooo im pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got asked if i had a really long labour cos I wasnt pushing hard enough. :roll: This guy thought when people said they had a 5 horu labour, that they were just pushing for 5 hours. Also he thought you could control when you went into labour kind of like deciding to go for a poo :rofl:

Ive been asked multiple times why Im not glad to have had a c-section :doh:
The funniest I heard (though apparently it's a mandatory question) was from the midwife at my booking in appt... Are me and the baby's father related! I sat there in shock for about an hour. Wasn't expecting that one!!

They really do have to ask, in the area where I did my mw training there are communities where this is really common.

I sat in on at least three appointments where the parents to be were cousins and other family members were married to each other too, and yes it had caused genetic/developmental problems in the child.

I know there were some awful questions. Are you two related, is your OH the father, are you on drugs, by the end of it I got really worried about the state of our society!!!

Oh and my midwife told me to only drink pasturised milk so I told her I drink soya milk and she asked if it was pasturised! I was like " :shock: erm.... yes" cos I couldnt be bothered to explain and I was busy being grateful that I was moving in a few weeks and this woman would have nothing to do with my healthcare!!
ooh ooh, I got asked when I was on the postnatal ward, if i was unable to conceive. Actually happened. I just looked at him then at my baby, and said "well.... no"
My OH's little brother, whose 5, always asks me what my baby is doing today, which is the same thing everytime - not much cos she's listening to him. The first time he came round after we told him, he looked round the room and then asked me where my baby was so we explained that we had to wait awhile, and then until i got my bump, he'd poke my tummy and ask if my baby was still in there.

My brother, whose nearly 11, obviously knows a bit more about the basics but clearly not enough. My mum has a bet on when she thinks the baby's arriving, something to do with whether she can buy him a scooter so he asked me to just keep her in until the day after and that if she wants to come at 2 mins to midnight, could i just hold her in for those 2 mins so he gets his scooter.

He also asked me why babies can't walk or talk when they are born, so i explained to him about having to learn how to do things, and that they learn a lot by copying us. I told him all about how my friend's 5 week old had learnt to poke his tongue out by copying her doing it.... so he said "so when they learn to walk, do you have to walk around with them upside down so they can see your feet and figure out what to do?"
Haha the things kids have said are hilarious!!!!

I know there's a lot of communities/religions where relatives marry and have kids but I just wasn't expecting it at the time, for some reason I just thought something like that would be obvious and they wouldn't need to ask lol

I was just changing Aidens nappy and my niece (she's 3) asked if he had a winkie like her brother does, but not like her daddy cos he's growed up and lost his!!!! Wtf has my brother been telling her lol

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