The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
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Post here with your test date & ask if anyone is testing around that time or the same time & find yourself a 2ww ttc buddy, who you can talk to, symptom spot together & compare things in your 2ww. ;)

Bellarine, where are you my 2ww cycle buddy ? :lol:
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Early pregnancy symptoms.

Symptoms that you might find in your 2ww if your bfp.

1. Needing to urinate loads.
2. Feeling tired.
3. Nausea
4. metalic taste in your mouth.
5. Creamy cm.
6. Sharp twinges ( lower left side of uterus )
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I have probably no chance of actually being pregnant and am not going to get my hopes up but i will plonk myself in here until the 6th November when i will test if af hasn't showed up!! Which is my 26th birthday :) so it would be nice. I am not going to SS but at the moment i am having the bottom 2 lol x
OOOh, I like to symptom spot...I am already 6-7 dpo.
Can I still join in with you ladies? :oooo: xx
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Anyones is welcome here i guess and fingers crossed xx
I dont think iv got a chance this month as didnt bd around the right times :wall2: Even though i nearly convinced myself last night i could be pregnant and nearly done a test as got:

1) very sore nipples (seem worse then other months),
2) cramps (prob just AF cramps but they feel different),
3) and my urine smells different (sorry about that - really need to remove my pic now! LOL) x
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I dont think iv got a chance this month as didnt bd around the right times :wall2: Even though i nearly convinced myself last night i could be pregnant and nearly done a test as got:

1) very sore nipples (seem worse then other months),
2) cramps (prob just AF cramps but they feel different),
3) and my urine smells different (sorry about that - really need to remove my pic now! LOL) x

Hi Pinkbutterfly...

You still have a chance as you BD'd the days leading up to ov days didnt you and those little fellas can survive for a good few days.
What cycle day are you now? x
Hi CBFM buddy

Im on cd 26 (my peak days was on cd 19 and 20) can you get symptoms this early?

Yeah surfed the internet last night and some site say that they can life upto 5-7 days but most die 24-48 hours x

Iv heard headaches can be another symptom in first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy because of hormones changing.....
Hi CBFM buddy

Im on cd 26 (my peak days was on cd 19 and 20) can you get symptoms this early?

Yeah surfed the internet last night and some site say that they can life upto 5-7 days but most die 24-48 hours x

Iv heard headaches can be another symptom in first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy because of hormones changing.....

LOL hi CBFM buddy!

Some will say its not possible but I think it is. With my son I wasnt trying but knew I was pregnant, took a test and was negative (obv too early) once I got further along and knew dates, I counted back and it showed that my symptoms were there almost straight away. I am sure there are loads of ladies on here that experienced their symptoms earlier than you would assume possible.
I have been looking into lots and it seems that some hormones are released as it travels to the uterus so thats what can cause the symptoms eary.
Headache is definately an early symptom...I suffer with headaches alot with hormone changes, early pregnancy and before AF.
I really hope you have done it xx :dance:
Thanks CBFM buddy! :) U 2! x

Found out last night that funny smelling urine is also a sign but if you are taking vitamins this can also cause it :( Got a little excited last night when looking into symptoms but most symptoms can mean other things also!

Anyone get burning smells? Im going around sniffing stuff to see if it makes me feel silly! LOL x
LOL, do you also pinch your boobs to see if they hurt :rotfl: (i do)
You have been taking the vits for a while now havent you? and only just noticed the stronger smelling urine, could be a sign.
When are you planning to test, if you are going to test? x I am gonna wait til at least 10-11dpo xx
I have probably no chance of actually being pregnant and am not going to get my hopes up but i will plonk myself in here until the 6th November when i will test if af hasn't showed up!! Which is my 26th birthday :) so it would be nice. I am not going to SS but at the moment i am having the bottom 2 lol x

:rotfl: at the fantastic non symptom spotting :lol: xx
Nope but guna now, my OH is going to think its really weird me having bruises all over my boobs....I will blame u! LOL

Been taking the pregncare tablets for nearly 2 months now I think - yeah true dont think iv noticed the smell before, no decided i shouldnt symptom spot as its going to do my head in!

Another sign.....getting a cold (read that somewhere) x
Nope but guna now, my OH is going to think its really weird me having bruises all over my boobs....I will blame u! LOL

Been taking the pregncare tablets for nearly 2 months now I think - yeah true dont think iv noticed the smell before, no decided i shouldnt symptom spot as its going to do my head in!

Another sign.....getting a cold (read that somewhere) x

LOL, i hold my hands up and will take the blame :)
I have heard that too, about a cold. I am not sure why that is. I have had a bit of a cold but it started before 2WW so I am going to count it in and a symptom this time but I remember I got a terrible cold when pregnant with my son. Would have conceived around 10 march and it was 15 March that I got the cold (i remember cos day before bday). I don't know if related at all xx
oh isnt heart burn a symptom....sorry I should just write these in one post but they keep popping into my head! LOL

Well I havent got a cold but had the sniffles for last two days but OH also got a cold but dont think he is pregnant! Shame really! LOL x
Haha this thread is making me giggle... I swore to myself I wouldnt get obsessed and put every twinge and flutter down to being pregnant but I just can't help it! Must admit I haven't smelt my wee yet! Lol :)

Did a test today (only 9dpo) and it was bfn... Think I'll wait for a few days todo another. I'm convincing myself I'm pg though as I'm having lots of unusual twinges down there but then don't know what's normal for me when not on the pill as this is my first real ovulatory cycle....

Oh well on with the symptom spotting!
Hey Timtam! :)

so you got the twinges also......mine was really bad yesterday and still got them a little today. Think its just all in my head, even after my cereal this morning I was like oohhhh is that heart burn YIPPPEEE LOL Mental aint it!

What have you started Star33! LOL x
Yeh I woke up on Sunday morning with big cramps a few inches below my belly button but they didn't feel like the normal feelings I get just before my period so instantly thought implantation. Had them a little bit every day since too. Yeh it's mad, actually wanting to have aches and pains!! Lol

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