*The London Meet 10th September*

Just wondering if we had decided where we're going?

I'm the same as Becky, think Battersea is a bit too much hassle to get to from my end, the parks are fine with me.

If it's central I'll 95% be there! :D
I think I'm 90% going to be able to come. Mummykay if you could meet me in Croyden that'd be great, providing I'm coming from Bedford (there's a small chance we may be visiting friends in Redhill that weekend so I may be coming from there).

I'm getting quite excited! Do we know where we're meeting yet? I only ever went to London for shopping and we always went to Covent Garden/Regent Street etc so no idea where anything else is!
I would be very grateful if sum1 would meet me at victoria :P

maybebaby I will def meet u at East Croydon once everything is confimed etc!! :wink:
im good with whatever
and i still need sum1 to meet me at victoria else i might not end up there :P
no not hyde park as that is on the cental line and that is a shitting train journey.
i think that would be best. sarah if i am meeting you we can get the jubilee line from stratford the trains are much nicer as it is a newer line, its a bit further from the park but i think it might be a better journey.

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