*The London Meet 10th September*

Becksss said:
Well thats a bit bloody rubbish
a mamas n papas pliko pramette shuld be fine though pushchair mode?

I have learnt to leave mine at home. We go quite often & I take my M&P pulse if I'm likely to be using transport :)
i reckon the meet will prob start bout half eleven ish hun so prob get the 7.55??
corr there is quite a few people coming isn't there!!! can't wait to meet you all!! :cheer: :dance:
Yes sarah il be catching the train from norwich to liverpool street :)
yeah deffo becky but candy will be there with us be easier all three of us we can have a forum party and LLS hehe
cool just let me know what time your train gets in as mine are every 10 mins to liverpool street.

also what do we need to bring.
from a lazyness pont of view i might just buy something there. aslo less to take.

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