The "I have" thread..

I have

spent the night in an MPs house (he didn't know he was on holiday :wink: but his son wasn't...)
married my soulmate
fell in love at first sight (see above)
worn a size 10 (no really - I did only 18 months ago :shock: )
found my cervix (hey I think its an achievement)
had my nose pierced (now gone)
and I'm not telling you the naughty stuff :oops: suffice to say I have enough memories to keep my happy in my old age :rotfl:
I have seen Michael Jackson in concert (A-Maaaaaaaazing!)
I have interviewed Julia Sawahla and Dexter Fletcher on TV
I have sang a solo on Songs of Praise :oops:
I have been to Vegas and New York
I have a best friend who is on TV
I have an addiction to tuna fish
I have...

Been in an earthquake, tornado and Hurricane (hurricane Charlie to be exact) and well Spains and earthquake zone.

Married my soul mate

Got married in a blue wedding dress with real blue roses

an amazing daughter

my own house and car all before I was 25

joints that crack, every single one actually

been a size 6 ( a LOOOOOOONG time ago :rotfl: )

Been a member of MENSA (but now refuse to pay their admin costs :roll:)

Gained a degree in just 2 years, with a baby, Crohn's disease, abusive ex and issues over my sisters organ retention (which is my personal achievement in life and I'm dead proud off)

Learnt Spanish with no lessons

FINALLY got a Bloody pushchair for the baby (not the ebay one :roll:)

The worst heart burn in the world... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: (well at least it feels like it... )
I have;

performed in front of over 1000 people and got a standing ovation

had a motorbike accident

found the other half of me

kicked the crap out of a "well 'aard" man (he deserved it, take my word for it)

double jointed thumbs
I have -

Been passenger on a Fireblade doing ridiculous speeds many times

Had a perm :oops:

Held Snakes

Seen Take That, Westlife live :oops:

Fallen over in public loads - When I've been sober

Fallen out of bed at an intimate moment :oops: :oops:
I have kissed Mick Hucknell and been to the back stage party after his concert.

I have had sex with a now footballer (he wasnt known then) :shhh:

I have only ever had 1 one night stand (with the footballer)

I have a Big Fat Wobble Butt!

I have cold feet!!!
i have 4 tattoos
i have seen steps in concert :oops:
i have the angel and buffy box sets
i have never had long nails
i have become a mother and wife (2 things i never thought would happen to be)
I have seen Michael Jackson in concert
I have been to Florida
I have 4 gorgeous children
I have the best fella ever
I have been out with No knickers! :rotfl:
I have stroked Jenson Buttons helmet 8)
I have had a baby :lol:
I have been married..and divorced :oops:
I have worn chicken fillets
I have had sex 10 times in one night (with the same man!!)
I have cried every time I ever watch the film Hook
i have seen metallica live (and flashed my boobs woo)
i have been given a black eye by ian watkins (lost prophets not steps)
i have said someone elses name in an intimate moment
i have given birth (my proudest achievement so far)

I have raised loads of money for charity (before I was pregnant) by running gigs.
I worked my first ever night behind a pub bar on a busy friday night in summer on "bikini barmaids" night.
I have passed my theory test! woopwoop
I have the most beautiful little boy ever (altho I'm biased).
I have successfully lost my kitchen hazard status now that I have attended a 10 week cookery course.
I have made a thai red curry better than the thai takeaway people (see above).
I have owned a scooter and a motorbike.
I fell off said scooter twice.
I have been engaged, and I proposed.
I have green eyes.
I have been to see Gareth Gates in concert :rotfl: (since I'm a heavy metal gal I still find it funny that my ex bought me tickets)
I have an autistic daughter
I have sore breasts :rotfl:
I have twins
I have lived the young partying student life
I have gone back and am living the old boring non party uni life :rotfl:
I have married a Swede
I have made love under the stars
I have eaten bbq'd sausages from an open fire in the middle of a frozen lake
I have learnt French,German,Swedish and trying Greek
I have skinny dipped
I have forgiven
I have spent too much money on Christmas!!
kirlykird said:
I have learnt French,German,Swedish and trying Greek

And you learnt Swedish how?... No seriously DH is a Swedish speaking Fin and I can just about muster pepperkakor and Jag älskar dig. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: mind you DH is a crap teacher... maybe I'll learn more as he speaks to the baby in Swedish :shock:
I have seen Kylie and Jason 3 times (but not together!)
I have appeared on a reality TV show
I have loved.....and lost
I have had a fight with a hand-dryer and lost
Minxy said:
I have seen Kylie and Jason 3 times (but not together!)
I have appeared on a reality TV show
I have loved.....and lost
I have had a fight with a hand-dryer and lost

ooo which reality TV show???? :o
Squiglet said:
kirlykird said:
I have learnt French,German,Swedish and trying Greek

And you learnt Swedish how?... No seriously DH is a Swedish speaking Fin and I can just about muster pepperkakor and Jag älskar dig. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: mind you DH is a crap teacher... maybe I'll learn more as he speaks to the baby in Swedish :shock:

I don't speak fluently but I speak a little, I did a wedding speech in Swedish :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I understand well and I can read it well. I mostly understand conversations between Anders and Sam, when he's talking on the phone and when we're with friends. I speak to his mum, I email the family in English and they reply in Swedish and vice versa, we help each other out quite a lot with the language but yes, it has been helped along by Anders speaking to Sam in Swedish. It's quite bizzare how it landed on me as I don't really question conversations anymore. I don't understand every word but I would say 80% of the conversation. I struggled like mad to begin with but have spent so much time studying this now and really got stuck into it. I didn't want to have a baby that was telling me things that I couldn't understand, that was my driving force.

Mind you, the first Swedish that Anders taught me wasn't as sweet as jag älskar dig, more like the swear words!!

Lycka till och God Jul Till er alla! :D
I have had a boob job :D
I have crashed 2 cars while parking :oops:
I have the best children in the world :D
I have my own house :D
I seen George Michael in concert :D
I have seen Take That in concert :D
I have given birth 3 times with only gas & air for pain relief :wink:
I have had 'naughties' outdoors :oops:

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