The Bitch Thread

S- You're a selfish lying ba$tard, you put your daughter last in everything you do and she knows you don't give a $hit. So stop pretending your the worlds best dad in front of people!

C- I HATE you for abandoning me and your responsibilities. I resent your constant texts telling me to have an abortion. and if i ever see you again i would love to rip your head off and have my dog shit down your neck!

ahh that feels better!
this thread is brilliant - unfortunately my OH has behaved himself today so I haven't got a rant in me but believe me somtime within the next 48 hours he will do something that will make me add to all these rants :twisted:
woah this got deep!
erm let me see

B*tch in australia that tried to run off with my OH and thinks she has some deep relationship with him after knowing him 3 months:::
f*ck off and get a life you ugly, cant get a man of your own so gotta steal mine, anorexic, psychotic, lying man beast wh*re!!!!!

Stew: thanks for leaving me when our baby was 4 months old, making me an emotional wreck after i'd been through so much and now thinking you can get me back just because you say your f*cking SORRY!!!!!
AA - you miserable, chav b*tch. just cos you're family are out of control doesn't mean you have the right to try and ruin mine by telling my dad the sex of his first grandchild when you knew full well he absolutely didn't want to know. You're a mean, selfish, sour, dried up old hag who needs dental work.

*feel a bit better now*
MIL- i should have believed Vin in the beginning when he said not to trust you. How can you call yourself a mother when you let the men in your life beat up your children for years?
you think you are clever winning 'carer' awards, well i know you better than think you deserve a medal for looking after your sister(Angela has Downs Syndrome)well you dont! you only want her living with you so you can have all the money left to her by your mother.
And what kind of mother steals her sons inheritance from his grandparents?
Well keep the money you old hag!
And you wonder why we dont want anything to do with you?
Well heres another reason. i gave that photo of our new baby to Angie, NOT YOU so who the F**KING HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TAKE IT AND PUT IT FACE DOWN ON THE SIDE?????!!!!!?????

God that feels so much better
this is great therapy and much less humiliating
than jeremy kyle :rotfl: :rotfl:

:hug: :hug: to everyone whos vented on here!!!

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