The dream is over

No hun that doesnt make you sound bad at all, its a way for you to have closure...there is no right or wrong way to deal with things hun, you just do what you want.

Sending you love xxx
You are not a bad person at all hun. You should like a very strong perosn to me.
You are dealing with it in the best way for you and no-one can question that. Its about you only. Do what you must.

I was desperate to have the ERPC carried out so I could put my baby to rest and move on so I totally understand how you're feeling.

Please take things slowly after you come out of hospital honey. I felt ok physically and was rushing around like I normally do and managed to get an infection which upset me alot, so be careful.

Everyone on here cares and understands so don't ever feel alone. Its comforting to know so many women sadly can relate to this type of loss.

I strongly believe that when its our time we WILL be mummys - the best mummys ever!

x x x x
So sorry hun :hug: Hope you're doing ok.

Oh I'm so sorry this has happened, It happened to me too, last year at 11 plus weeks and baby had gone at 9 weeks ish.

Again I can only echo the words of the ladies, it never goes away, but that with some time it does get easier to manage. I would say do try to talk about it when your ready, as the more you say the words , the easier it becomes and became a form of theraphy for me, your making a great start by talking to us lot on here about it , saves delaying some of the pain in a way too - hang in there Hun XX
So sorry for your loss hun, Take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up.
:hug: xxx
Oh Kanga, I've just seen this and I am so sorry for your loss! Take care of yourself babe! :hug: xx

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