2nd time in over a year


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
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hi every one

It has been over a week now and still cant believe it happened again. Wednesday last week I was at a photoshoot feeling on top of the world, Thursday morning got my pregnancy confirmed and refered to the hospital, thursay afternoon started spotting. By thursday evening I was in the womens accidednt and emergancy and after a 3 hour wait was examined and told to come back on saturday for a scan. I know that thursday night my little one was gone . went for the scan on saturday and it was confirmed, I had miscarried, after having bloods taken i went home, got results on sunday bloods where still high, went back monday for more bloods the results said still high, on wednesday the bloods came right down so i have to do a test in 2 weeks, the hospital after care has been really good but on the initial examination when i was only spotting i felt the doctor had been to rough it was after he had prodded and poked that i started loosing large amounts.
I just dont think it has hit me yet probably because the day we had the scan we were moving into our new house. so i was expected by all family members helping to have a happy face which i had to put on for my 9 year old son
My cousin showed me his girlfriends scan picture yesterday and i had to run out of the room I couldnt hold my own, they understood once they found out what was going on.
It just I cant face goin into work i work in the baby room of a private day nursery and i just feel sick everytime work is mentioned
Sorry to have gone on

thankyou for reading

Pammie x
Im so sorry u have to go through this again, once is bad but twice is terrible i know how u feel i had 2 m/c also within 5 months, time is a great healer but u will never forget wot u have been through as i very well know.
If u need to cry go ahead, and if u dont feel up to work dont go in c how u feel when its time to go please try to stay strong if u need to chat pm me.

Lots of love Puppy

hun, im so sorry to read this, want to send you lots of hugs, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i too have lost 2 babies within a year and it hurts so much right now but with time it will get easier slowly.

I know how you feel about work, i am a nursery supervisor previously with under 2's, and i really couldnt deal with it i spoke to my manager who organised time off and for me to change to the older children for a while, could you speak to your manager?

if you need to talk please PM me im here for you and if i can help i will :hug: :hug:
So sorry to hear your news. :hug: :hug: :hug: Take care. xxx
Thankyou everybody.

I have spoke to my manager and she said at the minute there that short staffed that if/when i come back i will still be in babies room.
I dont feel like ican cry people are coming to see me and they look uncomfortable so i feel like i have to put on a brave face which am doing anyway for my son, my friend has just been with her daughter to see the new house and apparently where going to hers for a bbq now and i dont feel like it i feel down.
anyway thankyou for all you have said
speak soon
and thanks will be intouch soon
Pam xxx
hey hun

i know how difficult it can be hun, you know that other people dont know what to say so you keep on a brave face as much as you can and you feel so low you dont want to do anything, if you want to cry then cry, i couldnt cry in front of others i had to be myself, please dont keep it locked away.

im glad you have spoken to your manager, its always the way isnt it being short staffed, we too are short staffed! take your time dont rush back into work til you feel ready.

if you want to talk PM me anytime hun :hug: :hug:

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