The dreaded symptom spotting

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I always swear I'll never do this but i cant seem to help myself. I pick up on the wierdest things, anything abnormal could be a potential symptom.

For the past two days i have had heavy earlobes, like a dragging feeling in them. Like a tiny pulled muscle.

No doubt it is in my head and I have never heard of it as a symptom but I keep feeling it!

Does anyone else get any kooky unusual 'feelings' that they take for possible symptoms?
Oh yes! It's natural to do this - esp when ttc takes ages - so don't beat yourself up about it. I try to do that Buddhist thing of simply noting these feelings and letting them pass otherwise all hopes are up! It's kind of middle ground between getting your hopes up and beating yourself up. Hope it helps xx
Heavy earlobes - that's certainly a kooky symptom :shock:

An image of Budha popped into my head :)

You see, i do tend to be much more optimistic about things like that meaning something strangely enough.

I'm very quick to disregard the symptoms people read about pregnant women having, but things like your earlobes feeling heavy get me wondering if it could be your month.

That said, i had achy joints which i hand on heart hadn't heard of being a symptom but i still wasn't pregnant - that's the cycle i was convinced i was too and i was really upset and i worry about you feeling optimistic because like me you take a unexpected BFN very badly, you don't just get sad but you get pretty bitter and angry too.

Think very carefully about something that might have caused it... do you wear glasses? Have you changed earrings? Have you been wearing your hair differently?

Fingers crossed for you xx
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Heavy earlobes...never heard of that one. Its awful symptom spotting isnt just wish the tww was over.

What i used to think was anything "different" is a possible sign like you said :)

Not much help but got my fingers crossed for you xxx
I know it's daft isnt it. They still feel odd by the way. Maybe it was those purple earings. I never wear them normally but did to match my jumper and perhaps they had oxidised over the last few months or something. Trying not to get my hopes up, I'm sure i'm not pregnant, after all I never am!
I'm sure i'm not pregnant, after all I never am!

Pfft, now we know you don't really believe that ;)

I was wondering, with you having tried for so long - have you actually been to the doctors or anything besides hubby having a semen analysis?

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