The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I'm on my third day of clomid now and wondered if anyone else suffered from a loss of appetite? I originally thought it was metformin that caused it and it had subsided over the past week or so but it's back again and I can only blame the clomid!

I've got a bit of a headache today too so I'm really looking forward to my holiday now! x
Thought I'd resurrect this thread as it was once so busy!

Looks like this will have been my last round of clomid. My bloods were done on CD 25 this cycle as I was on holiday and my progesterone was down to 4.07 - it was 26 last cycle!

Hope others have better success with clomid and get their BFP's really soon!! xx
I was thinking the same! Londongirl and Marcel got their BFPs and I went onto IUI so you were the only one left! Hopefully some more ladies will join!
What's next for you?
I've just seen your IVF has been delayed :(

The nurse said she would have to speak to the doctor as my results are very odd and will likely change my treatment. I'm tempted to try a private clinic with a doctor that specialises in pcos as I kind of feel like I will just get "the next standard treatment on the list" if that makes sense?
Can I join the clomid thread :) ?

This is my 1st round of clomid, since mc in August I have not been ov my progesterone was 26 so they put me on clomid.

I am on 50 mg on days 2-6, side affects - hot flushes, really tired, emotional!!

Cd11 scan showed 2 follicles on l ovary. 21 day progesterone was 80 :) AF due any day, BFN this am, back ache today I am sure AF is about to rear her ugly head so I need success stories as struggling with the whole TTC thing and clomid has really got my hopes up! It's an emotional roller coaster and I want to get off it now!!

Lou xx
I would if I were you Belfa, I don't know much about PCOS but my sister has just been diagnosed with it, (she has one child) so I'm not sure what the options are. You must feel really in the dark.

Loubalouba if you look back on this thread there are loads of clomid success stories! I hope you will be one of them before too long.
The whole thing does get your hopes up, because you're getting treatment you think you're on the road to your dreams coming true, so its further to fall when it doesn't work.

I can't believe that after 3 rounds of clomid, 2 goes of IUI and hoping to move on to IVF, we've got to wait 8 months because of something I didn't even have when we started treatment!
hi all,

you know what I was just thinking the same the other day aswell this thread used to be so busy then londongirl and crazycatlady left as they got bfps.

Belfa don't give up hope, maybe ivf would be next for you? I have pcos too and I have been told if clomid doesn't work for me my next option is prob ivf. however im on round 2 of clomid so im hoping it will be this month.

Blueflower oh no things are delayed? why? omg I can only imagine how your feeling.

loubalouba what size were your follicles when you got your scan was that cd 10?
The nurse found a shadow on my scan when she was doing the follicle scan last month and wanted to check it after the IUI to see if it was still there. It was and she called the consultant in to check. He wasn’t sure what it was, but suspected it was fluid in my right tube.

He said I’ll need another laparascopy to investigate and probably remove the tube so that it won’t interfere with IVF! It gets worse, he said that the waiting list is about 18 weeks and then I’ll need another 2 months to recover before starting IVF. And it gets worse still because he said there’s a chance that I might have to get the other tube removed as well. That makes me feel so sad because we’ll have to have IVF in order to conceive, there won’t even be a chance of a natural pregnancy ever. He might have been just saying the worst case scenario though.

And in the meantime I can’t get pregnant because if the egg comes from the right, the blockage means it won’t meet the sperm and if it comes from the left and does fertilize, the fluid will prevent it from implanting.

We were on a roll with the treatment but have now been forced to stop and everything looks so bleak. And time wasn't on my side in the first place. :(
That's rubbish blueflower :hugs: Could you get the procedure privately?

I've done some research today and our local Nuffield has a fertility clinic with a consultant instereted in pcos. I'll see what my NHS clinic says and then there might be a possibility of me using my works private healthcare but i'm not sure if this covers fertility or if I can sneak it in on a gynae claim?

I am hoping that I can get ovarian drilling next but I'm also tempted by a clinic in cyprus that is owned by family friends of my mother in law. The owner / lead consultant has a PhD in pcos but that's a more longer term "what if" plan!

I wouldn't worry too much Loubalouba - your results already sound really positive! x
Ovarian drilling sounds yuck.
I think a private laparoscopy would cost more than IVF!
Its all so unfair.
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Oh blue flower I am sorry! There I am in my own self pity when u r going through that! I am not sure what to suggest other than have you got something to distract you whilst u r waiting to help time go a bit quicker?

Yummy mummy my scan was on cd 11 and I think they were 14and 16 mm, are u on clomid?

Lou x
Oh blue flower I am sorry! There I am in my own self pity when u r going through that! I am not sure what to suggest other than have you got something to distract you whilst u r waiting to help time go a bit quicker?

Lou x

Don't be silly, we've all got our own issues on here, you are allowed to feel sorry for yourself! I don't think anyone's situation is worse than anyone else's.

We've finished decorating our house and just got furniture for the guest rooms (I am going to be self pitying here and say that they were meant to be children's rooms!) but one is also a study which is nice. We've got the garden to do this Spring and Summer which will be nice. And I will make the most of my lie-ins, breakfast in bed and nights out which we won't have once we have children!
Good for you blue flower :) sounds like u have plenty to be distracted with :)

Well AF arrived yesterday so onto 2nd round of clomid.... Maybe next month! Xx

Just a quick question, what are ur thoughts on drinking alcohol whilst TTC my hubby keeps saying I should try giving it up but I love my glass of wine on a sat night and worry I obsess enough without making even more changes and giving up things I enjoy? But then I think I should be willing to give up anything to have a baby ?

Lou x
Hi girls - just wanted to pop by and say I'm rooting for all of you to get BFPs really soon! Blueflower, so sorry to hear about your delays, big hugs. Belfa - good luck with sorting next treatment option, seeing a specialist sounds like a good plan. And lou - for ages I wasn't drinking while ttc and then the cycle I got my bfp which was around Xmas time I decided 'sod it' and drank loads! So my personal pov (and it's just my opinion) is that giving it up doesn't make a huge amount of difference and feeling relaxed and happy maybe does. Please don't read that as a "just relax and it will happen" as I can close to punching people who said that to me!!
I cut down to 2 units a week during the fertile time of the month for a year but it didn't make the blindest bit of difference and I was so miserable I didn't feel like BDing! So now I have a few at the weekend and then a bit more during AF and after. I agree that its much better to feel relaxed. People who got pregnant have said the same thing.

If you go on American internet sites they always say 'avoid it completely' but they have a different culture to us and we are more used to it. If you get really drunk it can tip your hormones out of balance and when I had IUI the nurse told me not to drink too much. But I think a couple of glasses is good for you!

Also the alcohol can't reach a foetus till it implants, it can just make the environment less healthy.

Is your OH giving up drinking then?!
I think alcohol is more problematic for a mans swimmers than for us ladies, maybe you should suggest that to him ;)
Thanks ladies, he does not really drink anyway! I think he thinks the more effort and sacrifices we make the more likely it will be to happen! I think he feels desperate too.... It all becomes sooo complicated psychologically! Our sex life is really struggling too! It's all too pressurised and planned its killed it! How do people deal with this????

Good to hear everyone's views/experiences xx

Sorry for all the questions! Xx
Thanks ladies, he does not really drink anyway! I think he thinks the more effort and sacrifices we make the more likely it will be to happen! I think he feels desperate too.... It all becomes sooo complicated psychologically! Our sex life is really struggling too! It's all too pressurised and planned its killed it! How do people deal with this????

Good to hear everyone's views/experiences xx

Sorry for all the questions! Xx

Don't apologise, we' ve all asked the same things!

I've not been bothered with sex for years but now we're TTC my husband sees it as a chore so he now sees what I have been saying for all these years :lol:. We still manage though and it's not affected, ahem, performance or anything but I know some ladies do find their OH's performance becomes an issue which is totally understandable. I think keeping it to yourself when your ovulating etc may help so that for him, at least, it's still spontaneous x
I agree! Don't tell him when you're ovulating so that it seems more spontaneous. He might guess after a while but not always! Mine said "oh I thought I was irresistable but it turns out you only want me for one thing!" but he never really minds!

I've also found that before we started TTC it became a bit of a chore sometimes but once we started doing it more, it kind of kick started us to want to do it more often!

Its strange at the moment because we can only do it for fun, I won't get pregnant, and if I get both tubes removed, it will only ever be for fun, babies will have to be made in a clinic, which is a bit sad.
Sorry to invade just read your posts I am so sorry to hear this blue flower, but you must think positively, have you looked to see if nhs will pay for off!? My brothers wife suffered with bowel cancer and has a chromosome missing so she does. Or produce eggs, and can never have her own baby. She had to go through so much treatment for years, and inject herself daily. Nhs paid for her first ivf, her auntie donated her eggs for her, and although she didn't make the baby herself, she still had a normal pregnancy but a c section. She had to pay for the second ivf but she has two beautiful boys, never give up hope, it may be a few months wait but the end result will be worth it. Like I said she had to wait years as the cancer had to post pone it too but she is healthy now. It may seem bleak at the moment but it's not all bad news, you can do this! Good luck ladies fx for everyone! Xxxx

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