Good luck missJ, I don't like to line spot for others but I really hope that this is it for you.
Looking for a bit of advice girls - last month according to my blood results I did ov, the result was 52.2 and this was taken on CD25. I tested all the way through with OPKs and didn't get a positive so I don't actually know what day I ov'd. I did however have bad pains around CD19 so I'm not sure if this might have been ov. I've done a few opks now (I wasn't going to but thought it was worth a try), still not seeing a positive, like last month. I'm CD17 now and I've been getting some niggling feelings on my right side like ov might be about to happen/happening. We've been dtd every other day from day 10 until yesterday morning and this morning we decided to just go for it. I'm not sure if we should wait now till Sunday, CD19, or keep going for the next couple of days?
Sorry for the long explanation, I've just no idea what my body is up too and want to do our best this month!! I got a letter in yesterday for my follow up appt on 6th December so would be great to not have to go!