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The Birth of our Miracle


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Well i will try and keep this as short but as detailed as possible :)

Kaitlynn Emeli-Rose was born 19-11-11 at 20:58pm weighing 7lb11oz.

As some of you may be aware, this is our miracle baby. After 16months of infertility appointments, and tests, it was discovered that i was not ovulating due to cancer scare i had back in 2007 resulting in myself loosing an ovary and also we found out that my partner had a low sperm count of less than 5mil, so our chances of conceiving was very slim. We finally convinced the bitch of a doc to give us clomid, who liked to remind us that "when it doesnt work, we would need to pay for IVF". So the month that i was meant to start this clomid, my period never arrived and i got my positive pregnancy test :clap:

The pregnancy itself was a nightmare, severe morning sickness, suspected pre-eclampsia at 28 weeks and diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 29weeks :( Resulting in weekly monitoring at the hospital for me and baby and medications. Awful. Due to this, they wanted me in to be induced a week early.

So the 15th of November arrives and we get ready to go in and start the induction process :D
I go into the ward to have baby monitored for half an hour before they do an internal and give me my 1st dose of Prostin Gel. Secretly im hoping for a very favourable cervix and able to pop my waters, now when i look back, i really was living in coo-coo land! On examination, i had a semi favourable cervix but not enough to break my waters, gutted :( . So they give me the gel and tell me to walk about, bounce about on birth ball etc to try to get things to open up enough to break waters. 6hours later they re-examine me to find that theres been no change from the 1st dose of Gel, gave me a Sweep and more Gel and told to wait till morning. I was quite upset by this as i just wanted to meet my baby but at back of my head knew that the induction process can take a while. I went to sleep on the ward on my own in tears as i felt the day had been wasted. Plus i was getting really bad prostin pains which felt like mild contractions. Somehow i managed to fall asleep at around 2am, to be woken at 8am. Lovely.

Wednesday morning, i wake up hopefull that things might get a shimmy on :-D, but i was more excited to see my partner arrive, amazing how you can miss someone over the space of a few hours, plus he was my rock and keeping me sane inbetween the 6hour intervals. I get re-examined and im between 1-2cm but the head wasnt engaged and was freely moving back up while they pushed, so they didnt want to break waters as risk of cord prolapse was too dangerous. So i was given 3rd load of gel and sent to walk around the hospital for 6hours, which wasnt enjoyable as i had severe SPD, so i could only do so much. While walking about we got to know alot of the midwives and was informed that no matter what, i would not be given a 4th dose of gel, i would be sent home for a rest day and told to come back to repeat the process again. Because of being told this, i was going mentally insane with being in hospital, gel not working and basically waiting about for 18+ hours, i wouldnt have minded this if i was actually in labour, but i wasnt, i was just having horrible prostin pains, which can be just as bad as contractions.
So come wednesday night, i had been through enough, mentally and phyically, those internals where rather rough!!.

So doc came along and made it out that i was refusing the 4th load of gel, i wasnt, but i actually had no energy to argue with her, i just wanted to go home, rest and come back hopefully to meet my baby. Got home and i think i cried on stu's shoulder all night, i felt like a failure, thankfully the in-laws where here too, i just felt emotionally drained.
Friday morning arrived and i was more dreading going in to start all over again, than looking forward to it, silly eh?
Finally got re-examined, still no change, head still free, 1-2cm and cervix still long. GUTTED! . Given 4th load of gel and told to walk about as usual. i was totally cheesed off by this point so i told my partner i was not staying in this hospital all day again, so we drove to mcdonalds :shock: :lol: . Went back to the ward intime for another examination, this time was given another sweep and another load of gel. Midwife explained on exam, that she couldnt see why they wont break my waters in the morning, so i was hopeful and also explained to midwife that she better not be shitting me lol.
My partner then went home, hated that part, but needs must, and this lovely midwife called claire asked if i would like a bath to ease the pains from the gel, also had a weel listen in on baby to see if she was ok and discovered that she was also back to back. So after an amazing long hot bath, she got me a hot chocolate and got me all comfy in bed with about 6 pillows, i think it was the best sleep i had in the whole 9months!! At that moment i couldve kissed that midwives feet!!
Morning arrived and i was so glad to see my partner, i was nervous and worried that i wouldnt have the energy to push a baby out due to being in hosp basically all week and i just felt shattered. Doctor examined me (again! i felt like i had been gang raped at this point) and explained that my cervix was still long and that could make my labour longer, so another dose of gel may help, but she could easily and safely break waters if thats what we waned. We agreed that we wanted to go for it, i couldnt cope with another 6hour wait for this crappy gel to work or not, i would much rather be in labour for 6hours and actually getting somewhere, instead of waiting about.

So after waiting around, they had to re-fill the gas and air tanks so took a wee bit longer to get me round to the labour ward than expected, i didnt care by this point, i knew i was finally getting somewhere, and would probably need alot of that gas and air so was happy with that.
Finally got to labour ward, after 3 attempts at getting my IV in, i finally got my waters broken at 12pm :) I had some lunch and was told to walk around for a while. So me and Stu decided to go down for a walk, bit fresh air and get him some lunch. I was told to be back onto the labour ward for 2pm because if i had no contractions by then, i was getting put onto the drip, to speed things up. They also said if i had contractions by then, they were putting me on the drip at 4, i still dont know why lol.
Come 1:30pm, i was having niggles but nothing that was unbearable, so we took a wee walk back up to labour ward. by the time we got there, i was starting to feel them get stronger, much to the delight of the midwife, meant i didnt need to go on the drip just yet. Got onto the bed as they needed to monitor baby and by 2:30pm, the contractions where taking my breath away. I had got my partner to put the music channels on the tv so that i had something to listen too and he sat by my side talking me through them, he has no idea how much that helped lol. I think by around 3ish, i was given the lovely gas and air tube, i was so pleased cos i knew i could start biting on that instead of gritting my teeth!
I started to ask for something a bit stronger, so they re-examined me and i was 4cm and my cervix was flat, i had done about 6hours worth of labour in 2 :shock: and was given a shot of diamorphine at 4:30pm. At 4:45 i was screaming for an epidural, they were so intense and i honestly felt like she was going to come out my bum :oops: . Stu spoke to me, kept me calm and asked me to wait for half an hour to give the diamorphine a chance to work, so i agreed and come 5:15 i was still asking for an epidural so the midwife rang the anethesist, but there had been an emergency and a hold up, so they couldnt know for sure how long she would be..... :?

So, in-between contractions, due to the gas and air and the diamorphine i was like a drunk person, but was completely aware of what was going on around me, stu was blethering away to the student doctor who had asked us if she could be part of our labour, so she witnessed the waters being broken, im glad she was there cos she kept stu sane more than anything and at one point we were all talking about boybands and gay ones out of boybands lol.
I kept thinking that i was a complete wimp, i was only in labour for a few hours and already wanting an epidural, altho the midwives and student where calling me a trooper, although i didnt feel like it!
It was then time for my midwife to end her shift, so she handed me over to clair (the one who gave me the bath) i couldve cried when i saw her......she was so nice to me the night before, i was glad she was there. Still no epidural had arrived and on switchover, i heard them say "shes sounding like stage 3 is getting closer". So claire tried to get me up onto the commode, which every movement triggered off a contraction, finally got onto it and managed to pull the tube out the gas tank, total panic at the thought of this not working, having a contraction then that sudden urge to push.........all while on a commode!! I wanted off that thing ASAP so they emptied my bladder via catheter tube. As i was still waiting on epidural, i asked if there was anything else i could have, so they re-examined me and i was 10cm, little bit of cervix still there but she said she could push it away and then informed me that i would not be getting an epidural, i was too far gone. I think this was around 8pm ish. I was given a little top up of dirmorphoine.
I remember looking at stu when she said i was 10cm and his face was a picture, he looked at me and said "we gonna meet our lil girl".......this was enough for me to be more determined to push her out.
Contractions where pretty much non stop, all with the urge to push. The midwives where letting me get on with it but observing. I was grunting with every contraction, it felt like i was severely constipated and no matter what i done, felt like it wasnt going away.
Finally i started to feel as if my large poo was moving down, i felt "the burn" then instant relief......and within 9minutes, she was out and lying on my chest. Our Little Miracle. :clap:

Stu was amazing the whole way through my induction and labour. I got skin to skin contact while they were dealing with the placenta, and stu got to cut the cord. It was an amazing feeling. I got a 1st degree tear, but everything else was fine. We got left alone after she was checked over and weighed, enjoyed a cuppa and toast, then i got up for a shower. Horrible feeling standing up after all that, felt like my guts where going to fall out! Best shower ever tho haha. Walked to the ward after too :p
Due to the diabetes, Lil Miss had to have her bloodsugars tested before every feed but shes fine and hasnt been effected by it at all, thankfully.
In the end i never needed that drip lol, but as a precaution i was put on another drip after birth as i had quite a heavy bleed after my son, so that ran as a precaution.

Im sorry this has ended up as a novel and ive probably missed out bits, im sure stu will come along and write his version of the birth :)
I got home the following day with our lil miracle and i cant even begin to explain how blessed and happy we all are. Shes just amazing.
I couldnt have done all that without the help and support from stu, he really was truly amazing the whole way through it all and very hands on with Kaitlynn .


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Ah beautiful story and baby hun. I'm so pleased for you. I can remember you getting your BFP like it was yesterday! Congratulations.

Congratulations hun, such a beautiful little girl xx
Amazing story! Soo pleased for you after the struggles you've had :)

She's beautiful
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Aww amazing story hun. Huge congratulations. Xxx
Lovely birth story :) frustrating for you I'm sure, but more than worth the wait :) x
She's gorgeous Hun, congratulations! xx
Ah congratulations! Bet she's worth all the hassles you had from conception to birth a million times over to finally get her in your arms though! You made me all teary! Well done xx
Aw ema I'm soo happy for you!! She's lovely! And I may have shed a wee tear when I saw on fb that you'd had her :blush: but I think I cried at your bfp too haha xx

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!
She is gorgeous!!! Massive congratulations!!!!
Thank you everyone.
Still can't believe she's here to be honest, keep looking at her and when she's sleeping I keep watching her breathing, I just love her so much.
She is worth every month of heartache during infertility, every morning of sickness, SPD, diabetes, medicines etc etc.

When she was out on my chest the second she was born I kept asking if she was ok, cradling her in tears, shaking with adrenaline, such an amazing feeling and I would do it all again in a second. Even looking at her makes me broody haha!

She's already got such a personality at a week old, we are just so in love.

Thank you to everyone on PF who was there for me during the grilling infertility, BFP, and shitty moments lol. I'm ever thankful x
Fantastic birth story, you done so well! Massive congratulations to you both, she's absolutely beautiful! Xx

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