The big easter egg sweepstake! Get your guesses in now!

Not long now scotch and Mr Pork pie!

Exciting stuff its nearly bed time already then 1 more day to go x
i've had some very funny twinges this evening that are sort of like period twinges but not painful and just...not like them as well...

are you excited princess? i remember getting excited about your cycle after your ovarian drilling...
2 more sleeps :) think ur thread will be stalked by many on Sunday . X
wow not long now hoe very exciting gd luck for sunday i will be up early and on here hehe twinges are gd hehe xxx
Not feeling over positive this morning as temps are still falling off and have now got back to my cover line. Normally that would mean my period's due to start today. Don't know what would happen with still taking progesterone though.

Obviously praying that's not the case, but unlike ss, temps give real numbers that can be compared and they're looking very bad

Here's my ff chart. Egg collection was a day earlier than the chart has picked up as ovulation so the line's one day out but apart from that it's accurate.

god u have realy fab will power i think i would have buckled by now n tested well done you hehe xx
I've never charted but I wouldn't rely solely that chart Scotch, now im not a crazy poas addict trying to make you test but because I had chemicals a lot I always tested early as whether I caught or not was always valuable imformation for me...

I think that if I had ivf I'd at least like to know whether the embryo even tried to implant and if any hcg was present, I've had low hcg show on FRERs from 8 dpo to 12dpo so you would still see something on one of those tests, I don't recommend any other tests btw, diggis after frer for me.

A BFP would show now for you and I also would count a bfn as most probably out.

You never know you might get a nice surprise and could spend the day celebrating instead of worrying about your chart.....:)

How much progesterone are you taking, I was on 800mg this time, 400 when I took it myself...

Symptoms I would rely on are peeing a lot and sore boobies I also would rely on a high cervix, a low one would be bad news..

Keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you lovely!!:)

Mine dipped at 10 dpo Scotch when i was pregnant then they started to go back up again.

I have to say though i totally trust temp charting and it has never been wrong in my case.

However the temp stays elevated due to progesterone ?? I think that you should test to be honest , because then you are prepared instead of worrying .

Massive hugs x x x
We tested this morning. I didn't want to admit it as I didn't like the result and I wanted your positivity to get me through the day and to believe it could be positive tomorrow
I know nothing about temping but just wanted to wish u luck xxxx

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Oh no Scotch , i'm so sorry!

What dpo are you , i was BFN at 11 dpo and slight BFP at 12dpo x
I don't know what to advise hon if I had it in my mind to test Sunday then I would try and stick to it, having read the above though perhaps it might be better to do a FRER. Only you and your partner can decide though. Whatever happens today or tomorrow we will all be here to support you. I have a good feeling though, your journey so far as been really promising!. Hugs and fx. Love gizzy xxx

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