I've never charted but I wouldn't rely solely that chart Scotch, now im not a crazy poas addict trying to make you test but because I had chemicals a lot I always tested early as whether I caught or not was always valuable imformation for me...
I think that if I had ivf I'd at least like to know whether the embryo even tried to implant and if any hcg was present, I've had low hcg show on FRERs from 8 dpo to 12dpo so you would still see something on one of those tests, I don't recommend any other tests btw, diggis after frer for me.
A BFP would show now for you and I also would count a bfn as most probably out.
You never know you might get a nice surprise and could spend the day celebrating instead of worrying about your chart.....
How much progesterone are you taking, I was on 800mg this time, 400 when I took it myself...
Symptoms I would rely on are peeing a lot and sore boobies I also would rely on a high cervix, a low one would be bad news..
Keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you lovely!!