The big 2WW after my operation!! Now inc darker OPKs..

Hey Hun,

The witch is due Friday, at the earliest tomorrow and at the latest Sat, she might not come anyway now as I took a chance on the progesterone, that can delay it you see, all I need is a bloody good BFP!! I hope I get a nice bright line oneee daayy!! :)

Your not out yet Hun as there was a def + on the boots one! Roll on tomoz xx
Ohh so exciting, can't wait for tomorrow I need to hear some good news!! Fx maybe Xx
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Ok so I've just drank a whole liter of tropicana and then done an opk and bam 2 good lines again, there hasss to be something in it!

Hurry up BFP I've waited long enough!!! :wall2:

Agreed I can see a cross on the boots one - YAY!!! FX we can buddy up Maybe, can't believe I'm now nervous of POAS when it's a digi despite peeing on 10 of the cheapie's xx
Fingers crossed for you :hug: Get yourself some ultra sensitive tests!

What does your gut instinct say?

Get to the shop Tara!! You'll be fine lol!!

Olive, gut says preggers!

ooh, good luck for the morning Maybe - I have a feeling it will be good news!
Really looking forward to tomorrow Maybe, i'm liking those OPKs :)
Can't wait to see what the pee brings in tomorrow maybe
Maybe i see lines and crosses on all of them , i feel in my heart this is a BFP x x
that boots one is deffo a bfp, do boots again tomorrow at the same time and it should get darker, other brands might confuse it? xxx
I've got clear blue plus' they were on offer for 3 I reckon they'll be the same, I trust them a bit more too...

See you in the morning!

Crikey can't believe I missed all this!! Maybe I saw + on all those boots tests as clear as day. I say it's a bfp! Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!
Eeekkkkk can't wait! No waiting for builders to turn up this time!! X
Defo BFP on the boots ones Maybe!! Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings!!

Preggers at the same time again!! lol.

There's a def cross on the third piccy. I've only done about 4 HPTs in my life so not really clued up on brands etc and what they look like, but that last one looked bfp to me!

OMG this is sooooooooo exciting! I really hope this is it for you Maybe! I've gotta be up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning to feed my foster kittens- any chance you might feel like poas then? I need some excitement to wake me up at that time of the morning!

Ok I am up and stalking GET UP N POAS please xx

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