Terrorist threat

They've just upped the threat to 'critical' level. It's getting worse!

Nicki - I really feel for people like your OH. It's bad enough for the rest of us, but having to work through this? I don't know if I could do it.
blair needs to close our borders, no more immigrants coming in until we deal with the ones we already have.

these british born terrorists, one solution send them to pakistan if they love it so much. they probably all claim the social so they have time on their hands that they can make these explosives.

britain needs to get tough. i read because of all this crap going on, the BNP is getting more powerful. thats a scary thought if they get elected into power, but then is then any political party that isnt scary.

maybe they should let mothers run the country. these men arent doing such a good job are they.
I'm scared because my Niece and Nephew are in America on holiday,with my Brother-in-laws family - my Sis was in total panic today,quite distraught :(
i work for immigration at the HO and i can tell you no more than what you read in the news papers is all true but a 100times worse!! :evil:
Great, we were going to New York in 2 and a half weeks on business, I am seriously thinking of just going on my own and Kai stays here with my husband. I have had problems in the past at US immigration here in Toronto (you go through in Canada before you board the plane) and it just will be a hundred times worse than before. I just don't want to put him through all of that and I know it is only an hour's flight but if I can't take the hand luggage on it will be a nightmare. It is not like he knows anything about it.

It looks like they will be banning you taking liquids on planes now.
my sisters going to florida in september and theyve said thet youre only alowed to carry your passport and boarding pass and even then they have to be in a clear wallet. Theres no way id get on a plane with out a bottle of water and some head ache pills. I hate flying anyway but i wouldnt go on a plane with nothing... its rediculas! :evil:
I agree, I always take my laptop with me when I fly but I won't be taking it to New York as it is only for a few days and there is no way that I will be putting it in the hold - it can easily break or be stolen.

I did read somewhere if you have a baby you can take nappies, wipes and creams and I think you are only allowed 2 bottles. When I flew in July I had a lot more than that and needed it all. I think they are going to be so strict with it now.

I just had an e-mail about booking the flights and hotel for New York and I am just not looking forward to it :(
I hate all of this and am sad that i have to bring my child up into such a world!

But in the whole 2 pages of this topic everyone has mentioned how bad it is, and how bad it would of been if it had happened.

But has yet to mention how well the forces have done to prevent this happening and saving possible over 1000 innocent lives! think about it, 7 planes blown up, planes to USA rack up more than 100 people per flight!!

We are always quick to critisize when the forces f up but we never mention when they do something amazing!!! so i think for the first time in a while now we have beaten the terrorists, i think thats something to be happy about!

Just a shame we should have to prevent this in the first place...but there you go, some people just dont understand what their religion means.
tankett said:
They've just upped the threat to 'critical' level. It's getting worse!

Nicki - I really feel for people like your OH. It's bad enough for the rest of us, but having to work through this? I don't know if I could do it.

My DH rang work earlier & his mate said it has been a total nightmare today. :shock: Glad I don't do his job thats all I can say. I hate him working up near Heathrow. It scares me shitless as the control centre would be a good place for people to bomb if they wanted to cause mayhem.
I don't understand how people can be so evil. Its a disgrace that these people are so called British citizens and want to do this. That'll teach Blair to keep letting them in our country (sorry if this offends anyone who's pro immigrants :oops: )
i no we all moan about all the tax's we pay ect but its all so worth it. how they caught the spys ect
nicki said:
tankett said:
They've just upped the threat to 'critical' level. It's getting worse!

Nicki - I really feel for people like your OH. It's bad enough for the rest of us, but having to work through this? I don't know if I could do it.

My DH rang work earlier & his mate said it has been a total nightmare today. :shock: Glad I don't do his job thats all I can say. I hate him working up near Heathrow. It scares me sh*tless as the control centre would be a good place for people to bomb if they wanted to cause mayhem.
I don't understand how people can be so evil. Its a disgrace that these people are so called British citizens and want to do this. That'll teach Blair to keep letting them in our country (sorry if this offends anyone who's pro immigrants :oops: )

the truth is that they dont let them in, they sneek in and they cant find them to boot them out. I have it all day at work with people calling saying they know some one whos here illegally and they HO cant do anything about it because they bring "human rights" into. When if they have come here legally it probebly wouldnt be a problem because they are police checked! :shock:

people i work with get death threats all the time, and nothing is done about it. and the sad thing is, these people walk around with the rest of us and you never know what they might do!
:clap: they are finally being used for something good. And i give so much credit out for all the lives that were saved today. Finally some hard work done this country proud.

Ok our taxes are still going to some people that dont work and are at home all day making a bomb to try and kill innocent people...but as soon as blair gets his head out of his arse and stops letting any which person into the country it will be better.
Immigration may be one problem but more and more terrorists are British born, with passports, the works!! They're just so brainwashed into fighting for some 'cause'. That scares me even more :shock:
Anyone can be police checked so it dosnt make it alright, if they come over from their home country they are doubtfully going to have bombed over there, The people that were going to bomb today may not have had any previous convictions.

Funny thing is if an illigal immigrant is caught all he has to say is a fake name and that he is under 18 and then they have no power to kick him out untill he is an adult....what a great law :wall:

:wall: :wall: :wall:

Im sorry but people get through british immigration MUCH to easily. Oh this ones had no previous convictions let em in, and them and them and them and them, and ohh 5 years later, they are on the news trying to kill us!!!!

how scary i really want to come out to England and see everyone but this is really scary never happens here in Canada :shock:
it has been known for the HO to let people in with no convictions and then find theyve killed some one over here :x

Actually thinking about it, they can let murders in as long as theyve served there time, and people with minor offences can be let in too.

the Immigration laws are very complicated and many get in by sending a relative and saying they want to join them and they cant stop them because of Human Rights. Its about time they just laid down some simple rules that people cant just ignore and actually enforce some kind of punishment, i dont think kicking them out is good enough!! :evil:

Plus iv seen it where many people have claimed every benefit thats going when they shouldnt have and then were kicked out and didnt even have to pay it back. So not only where they here illegally but they were living here for NOTHING! :x
Thats because they dont let everyone and anyone into canada, can i come and live with you katrina? hehe :D
and then they try and bomb us after enjoying our tax money!!!!

Do you think you would get into Australia with the points system if you had a murder on you're file even if you had served time.

I DONT BLOODY THINK SO :evil: makes me so friggin angry!!!!!!
at work we can see where people have tried getting in, and most people are refused LTR or ILR in america/canada/australia and are let in first time here.
jase has gone back to work tonight and they wouldnt let him take any food or drink with him, hes working 7pm till 7am, he is going to be starving!
i think Cardiff is prett ymuch out of the picture considering it was american planes they were targeting.


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