am i crazy! looking forward to labour!

Tankett I dont think your a wimp dreading labour, when I was at your stage it terrified me.

The good thing is when you get really big and cant move around without puffing and panting and just want your body back all the labour worry goes, and you are actually looking forward to it!

Bizarre as I thought id never feel like this but I cant wait to go into labour now. When I read the new arrivals now I think not fair whens it my turn :-)
imi - you made me laugh - i think i am seeing this whole pregnancy and labour thing through a rose tinted helmet...

i'm getting a bump now which is good because i don'r just look fat! still managing to fit into some of my pre pregnancy pants worn under bump.... probably not for long thou! the one thing that is really getting me down is constipation.... is anyone else suffering bad? (sorry!) but i begining to think my bump is all baby......

Me Me Me!!!

I have horrid constipation ... it stucks :oops: sorry TMI!!! i've found eating all brain breakfast cereal is helping me ...

Maybe you should try it???

Loving my pregnancy but dreading the labour ... you make me laugh hayley ... i'll remind you of some of these post's after you have given birth LOL!!!
You poor girls, I am not suffering with constipation at all but suffering with extra smelly poo - sorry. I wonder if mine is normal!!

I was going to start a post about constipation the other day, then forgot! So, I would just like to say - me too!!! For about the past 3 weeks until earlier this week. I was only going every 2-3 days and then it was very painful (sorry!). But Tuesday night, 4 times!!! :oops: And okay since then.

Hmmm, wonder if that's whats causing my stomach pains! :shock:
Imi-mum-2-B!! said:
Practicing for your labour tankett???? LOL

It has been feeling like that!! :shock: I can hear the midwife now "push down deep in your bottom"!!!! :shock: :oops: :lol:
hi girls just a quick one about constipation i found i was very constipated at the start of pregnancy and someone told me to drink something like actimel or similar every day so ive been drinking one called vitality the raspberry flavour every day since 10 weeks pregnant and not suffered at all since might be worth a try xxxxx
off to buy some actimel or vitality now!!! i feel so weighted down!!! DH thinks its so funny hearing me puching and moaning in the bathroom for 30 mins then coming out and saying NOTHING AGAIN!

does anyone suffer with wind when they pee... sorry to be so descriptive but when ever i go the loo in work i'm hoping and wishing i don't break wind... a couple of times i've nearly been caught.... i now cough and blowing my nose when i'm ready to pee in case someone walks in as i'm breaking wind!!!!

Hehe !!!!

Everytime my OH phones i end up on the loo ... one min im talking all fine next thing im grunting and groaning trying to "Push" LOL!!!

This might be a bit TMI but ... Anyone else worry about squeezing something else out during labour??? :oops:

Got a horrid feeling midwife gonna say push ... i feel a great relief and lie there waiting for a wail .... thinking it's all over and the midwife going "Never mind" it happends ... and it's not the baby i delivered but something else :oops: :oops: :oops:

Anyone else got these concerns or have i just give the forum a bloody good laugh??!!! :shock:
lol sorry hun but you dont half make me laugh :lol:
i was worried sick about this on my first child and my worst nightmare came true but thank god was only a little bit and if you got a good midwife it will be gone before you even realise you did it :D
my mum and ex hubby were there when i done it and neither of them knew lol at that stage you really wont give a dam if you do or not xxxxx
Rach ... Glad i made u laugh hun, my OH thinks the whole thing is hilarious!! (Confusing labour with having a poo .. :oops: !)

At least i've found my purpose in life ... Making u lot giggle with my dizzy moments!!!
I felt like this with my first, and think that I wasn't really pushing as much as I could because I was so worried about pooing. And I ended up having to be cut because she just wouldn't come out.

This time around, I just don't care. If it happens, it happens, and they've seen it all before. I was a young, self-conscious 22 year old before. Now I'm older and wiser :shock: , I'm gonna push for England!!!!
I am sorry but I know we have slightly gone of track with this message but it has made me chuckle. The joys of pregnancy!!!!!


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