Tentative announcement!

Naomi D

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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Hi Girls!
Well, I have officially missed af, and have been getting darker lines on hpt's! It's official I have my :bfp:
However, as I had a mc last year, and as I've also been getting quite severe pains this time, I am very hesitant about posting my good news.

I just wanted to say that there is hope for all you girlies in here. I have been trying for 18 months now, and other than a v early mc last year havent even had a sniff of a line since. I was told I had unexplained infertility after having all the tests, and was on the waiting list for ivf!

Keep your chins up - it WILL happen for you soon - I'm proof!
That's great new Naomi :good:

I can understand you being apprehensive but hopefully it will be a sticky one for you this time! Best of luck to you xx
Congrats, hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx
Thanks girls. I feel a bit mean posting in here cos I know how hard it is for you - it was for me, but I really hope you can get something positive from my story as I was starting to feel like it would never happen, and there is always reason to hope and be positive!
Congratulations x x

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Oh thats great news Naiomi! All the luck in your pregnancy!!
Naiomi we LOVE good news in here, it beats the bad anyday. Think i posted a congratulations on another thread but you cn never have too many so......... yippeeee congratulations x x
That's great news hun. Congratulations.xx
Congrats hun that is great news I am really happy for you :love:
Congratulations Naomi! I am onto cycle 14 today and have also been diagnosed with unexplained infertility and we are starting IUI and injectables in the New Year. Really pleased for you (and me - you give me hope!!!)

Enjoy :) x
Thanks so much girls! Fingers crossed for all of us eh!

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