call me stupid as its possible but i dont understand ops comment about if you're in your 20s it largely reduces the risk of guving birth to a baby.....sorry if im being really stupid x
i dont think there is a perfect time nor that you have to be married first. that said iv been married for three years now im having my first baby at age of 27 though il be 28 shortly after baby is here. i think you cannot plan babies exactly as it can take longer to concieve than you think, there may be losses along the way this is despite being my first baby my third pregnancy i had no reason t expect any problems as no family history and no genetic factors. sadly i still had two anacephaly pregnancys. i think we have to be flexible in our life plans xxxx
Well i guess my answer will prove your theory. I was 38, it was the right time for me. And he took 2 years to conceive.
My son has Down's syndrome, however it's worth noting that 80% of kids with downs are born to younger couples.
And a lot are undiagnosed til birth.
I have many friends older and younger who had no issues conceiving
Well I'm sure there is but this stupid calculation that gives us our ratio of downs leaves a lot to be desired.
Worked for me but next time round if we can conceive again, my stats will automatically be high due to Charlie's downs and my age
Actually, there are many women choose to have a baby in their 30s and 40s. It turns out that their babies are quite healthy. And mothers in 30s and 40s will spare more love to their babies since they know it is not easy.
Actually, there are many women choose to have a baby in their 30s and 40s. It turns out that their babies are quite healthy. And mothers in 30s and 40s will spare more love to their babies since they know it is not easy.
I'm not sure how you can say women over 30 will spare more love for a child? Are you saying anybody under 30 will love their child less?
Actually, there are many women choose to have a baby in their 30s and 40s. It turns out that their babies are quite healthy. And mothers in 30s and 40s will spare more love to their babies since they know it is not easy.
I'm not sure how you can say women over 30 will spare more love for a child? Are you saying anybody under 30 will love their child less?