tears and smear - pointless thread.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Just had a girly moment.

Went to nurse for smear and while I was there tried for the 5th time to get an appointment to see the GP about ttc. There's one particular doc that I want to see. Once again she was fully booked and I have to ring at 8.30 to see if she can fit me in week on Friday. I told the receptionist that at 8.30 in the morning I will have 28 15 year olds in front of me and won't be able to ring. She said just ring when you have a minute. I said I've been trying that but if you ring later all the appointments have gone. I want to come with OH and he has a different schedule than me. She smiled and said you'll just have to keep trying. Grrr...

Went in for smear it was fine. Asked the nurse was cervix okay - tilted or anything cos trying for a baby without much luck. She said it was low down looked fine for position. She asked how long had we been trying I said 16 months - no previous babies blah blah blah. She said get yourself booked in here then! If only it were that easy, love!

Anyway, got into car and started driving and tears were tripping down my face. Wimp or what? Really don't think I'm cut out for this. When I see what some of you girls are going through, I know I haven't got anything to be upset about...yet. Just found talking to the nurse really emotional and not getting an appointment really frustrating...

Sorry for pointless thread just found it a weird reaction to nothing much and wanted to write it down! xxx
Ahh hun, i understand that its so upseting and annoying when you dont get an appointment and you really need one my docs are the same sumtimes and have defo been awful for my sis with all her probs.

I have no advice but i do want to give you a hug and say chin up try and get yourself an appointment and fx for a bfp for you soon hun.

Michelle. x
Hey is there someone you could organise to cover you for 5 mins when you stepped out to make a call?

Or at 15yrs old I'm sure u could put one of them in charge for the time it takes to call, I mean if u were dying for the loo and had to go thewy would be fine???
Hey is there someone you could organise to cover you for 5 mins when you stepped out to make a call?

Or at 15yrs old I'm sure u could put one of them in charge for the time it takes to call, I mean if u were dying for the loo and had to go thewy would be fine???
oh hun i'm sorry you're having a bad day. it feels like you're banging your head against a brick wall doesn't it? ttc is so hard so a few tears after a frustrating time at the nurses is totally normal. it's a flaming emotional rollercoaster this ttc! can you maybe get a friend or your mum to phone up for you to make the appt? i would do it for you if you gave me the number but think they might be confused by my glaswegian accent! lol! just cry it out tonight and you'll feel better tomorrow, promise :)
Arh hon you sound like a teacher and my hubby had totally the same problem today when he tried to make an appointment just to get some blood tests forms. She told him to phone between 12 and 1pm to speak to a Doctor when he was teaching. It is very frustrating because it is hard to leave the class but not many people realise that in term time it is a total nightmare. The same goes when he tries to leave to come with me for various appointments.

As for the whole frustration I can totally relate to that as well and I am sure the other girls on here will do to. You also feel as thought are pushing for everything and it takes so much time.

In the end I went private for the initial tests, because they were quicker and I felt like I was getting good advice. We have actually stuck with the same clinic ever since although we have now been referred on the NHS. I know it is expensive, but have a think about booking it for your first appointment (they do a scan and a blood test for AMH) privately. You can ring up and be seen really quickly. I think I paid about £170 for my scan and the Doctor went through all the results in detail and gave me lots of advice. I can forward you the details of the clinic if you are near to London or Essex.

I hope you feel better soon. We do all understand that frustration. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Love Gizzy xxxx
Aw, try not to let it get you down :hug:

Dealing with appointments and the Nhs is one fo the worst aspects of being infertile xx
Aww chick I have lost track of the number of tearful car journeys I have had, it will be alright xxx

Do you have a close friend of family member that knows of your situation that can phone up at the right time and make your appt for you ??
Sorry to hear your down honey! Thats such a frustrating position. Im a teacher too so understand the problem with getting time off. Its just not easy. Big Hug! Hope you get an appointment asap!!!
How frustrating hun.

My GP practice has a specialist fertility / Gyno GP and I booked to see her. Luckily my practice does allow you to book appointments up to 2 weeks in advance tough.

It may be an idea to consider going on your own - if this makes it slightly easier for you to get an appointment?

To be honest the GP won't do much herself - she will most likely just book you a consultation with a specialist.

Sorry you are having such a tough time !

Thanks ladies, all of your comments are so lovely, it makes me feel so much better!

I was fine once I'd got home. I think I just realised that this was all making me upset but I'd been in denial about it - just speaking to a medical person, even in passing, made my worries and frustration come to the fore!

Got my other half to ring up this morning and we've got an appointment for next Friday - so I was being slightly dramatic. Although he did have to ring and ring for over an hour to get through!

Ha ha itisbabytime the thought of leaving my Y11 class so I can ring up - they'd go all Lord of the Flies and have the weakest one strung up by the time I got back! No weeing allowed in our job! Seriously though, I could get cover in an emergency but just couldn't think of a lie and don't want to tell the truth!

Love to you all xxx
I'm a teacher too and i completely know what you are saying...sometimes hubby tekls me i need to change job if i want to get pregnant...the amount of rubbish and stress we have to put up sometimes!!! I am in smt as well...
glad you managed to get your appointment. Fingers crossed yoy'll get something out of it :)
i have been ttc for 4 yrs, seen a gyn 2 yrs ago who told me my end. Lining was too thick and i probably had cancer or polyp...i needed to be cut open asap...lol ran away went to france did a test with liquid in trumps and x-ray and it was all clear, ahah...its taken me time to trust to go and consult again, i went last week. Now i had a smear, a biopsy ( still waiting for results) i have a scan on 21st and hubby gets his sperm checked next Saturday...we will see. Ttc hard these days...ubby said " you're exhausting them and my sperm count will be dangerously low next week" lol
Let us know how it goes on Friday

Mel x
I'm a teacher too and i completely know what you are saying...sometimes hubby tekls me i need to change job if i want to get pregnant...the amount of rubbish and stress we have to put up sometimes!!! I am in smt as well...
glad you managed to get your appointment. Fingers crossed yoy'll get something out of it :)
i have been ttc for 4 yrs, seen a gyn 2 yrs ago who told me my end. Lining was too thick and i probably had cancer or polyp...i needed to be cut open asap...lol ran away went to france did a test with liquid in trumps and x-ray and it was all clear, ahah...its taken me time to trust to go and consult again, i went last week. Now i had a smear, a biopsy ( still waiting for results) i have a scan on 21st and hubby gets his sperm checked next Saturday...we will see. Ttc hard these days...ubby said " you're exhausting them and my sperm count will be dangerously low next week" lol
Let us know how it goes on Friday

Mel x

Thanks hun, it's a pain because you can't take time off when you need it - even though we have loads of hols they're never when you need them! I'm head of English so it's pretty stressful, starting on SMT in Sept so it's not going to get much better! Also hubby is a policeman and works shifts so scheduling anything is a nightmare! Your story about the docs is awful - hope you have more luck this time. Let me know how you get on xx

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